She Inspires: Letters To You: The “To Do List”

She Inspires: Letters To You: The “To Do List”

Hey You,

If you’re anything like me, you’re a little shocked that it’s already mid-October! Seriously, where did this year go? As the Autumn leaves change, I’m reminded yet again, “time flies when you’re chasing PURPOSE.” This year flew past and has been life-changing, and yet there’s still much to be done! When I look at my “To Do List” for this year, I feel proud and a little overwhelmed surveying what I’ve accomplished and what’s left to be done. However, instead of getting flustered and feeling rushed, I took some time to pause over the last couple weeks to assess what I’ve completed and prioritize the tasks that remain. This way, I know what deserves my immediate attention and energy.

In addition to prioritizing my remaining tasks, I also make a conscious effort to look at my goals and desires realistically. What can actually be done in these last few months? What can I set aside to tackle at the top of 2016? For some, this may be difficult or disappointing, but I’m learning to go with the flow and let things develop organically. Instead of being upset about what’s incomplete, I suggest using your energy to complete the tasks that are most pressing. There’s no need to be hard on yourself as long as you’re consistently and diligently working towards your goals. Trust they’ll be complete in the time they are meant. At this place in my life, I’m praying more and more for God’s DIVINE TIMING, because I never want to move outside of His will. The results are NEVER favorable and the hassle of getting back on track is just not worth it.

As you review where you are at this point in your life and this year, be loving and kind to yourself. Instead of considering the opinions of others and what anyone else is doing, be considerate of what you need to do first! These are your goals, plans, dreams, and visions! Remember: You are responsible for ALL you do and become. Use your energy wisely! You reap what you sow and if you want a great return, you have to put in a great investment. YOU are worth it!



Khojdeshia Denise

She Inspires: The Grass That’s Unattended

She Inspires: The Grass That’s Unattended

Through life, it’s so easy to look at another person’s life, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter handle believing that their life is perfect or without life’s blemishes. We forget that life happens to everyone and although social media is great for connecting us- it is also great at masking the true reality in our lives.

Looking at someone, we never know what others are going through. We could see someone daily with a smile on their face and they are the same person crying their sorrows at night. Before placing judgment, criticizing, or sparking jealousy in your heart, always remember that you have no idea the real journey of walking in the other person’s shoes. It’s not always greener on the other side.

Imagine if everyone focused on their own portions in life:

If we focused on our relationship with God.

If we focused on our marriages.

If we focused on nurturing our children.

If we focused on our friendships.

If we focused on our health.

If we focused on our families.

If we simply focus on our own lives, we wouldn’t have time to judge, critic, or condemn another. Additionally, we would realize that our grass could be so beautiful, full, and healthy with a bit of nurture, time, and intentional care.

Don’t leave your grass unattended to because you’re so busy looking at others. Attend to your own portion, and make it lovely.



She Inspires: When Black Women Win

She Inspires: When Black Women Win

The views of others often plaque our minds, our very spirit.  They tie up our dreams and strip us of our purpose.  Their ability to do that doesn’t reside in its truth, it relies on our acceptance of it.

On last night 3 amazing actresses received  awards in honor of the ability to excel in their respective profession, Regina King, Uzo Aduba and Viola Davis.  Viola Davis in fact literally making history as the first black actress to win an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama.  Their greatness in an arena that has omitted their talents could no longer suppress the phenomenal presence they continuously pour out on television screens week after week after week.  As we reflect on this day and stand proudly with them to celebrate the monumental achievements they so deservingly received, lets not forget to be present in the fact a moment like this exists. Lets not allow their accomplishment to be a hashtag in remembrance of the a night that will eventually fade. Instead, let it be a sobering reminder that we have to create, support, empower and inspire each other.  We have to lift each other on the climb and show up places that don’t always accept us or have opportunities for us to shine.  Nonetheless, we must continue to recognize the importance of our presence in those place to create the change we want to see.

There are times when you will not have the connections in place to get you where you would like to be, but you have to push through anyway.  The beauty of progress isn’t who gets the reward it’s the understanding that on the shoulders of the winners stand more winners that have laid the pathway and the ground work for events/moments that are far too rare.

So, today tap into your own magic, celebrate someone else’s and get back to work… because there are too many hurdles to jump to stop now.  When we welcome acceptance, but fail to acknowledge the problem, we become part of it.  Thank you to the women that take hits everyday and keep moving forward into greater.  There is so much more to come, but today Viola Davis, Regina King and Uzo Aduba we salute and celebrate with you as you stand in the greatness we have recognized long ago!


Be Inspired,


She Inspires: Mind Over Matter

She Inspires: Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter

Have you heard the saying, “mind over matter“? I used to wonder what d this phrase even meant. I’ve learned the mind is where everything starts and ends! As soon as an event happens, you start the process of responding in your mind. You assess the circumstances and then decide what to do from there. This can happen in a second, or over an extended amount of time, but despite how long it takes, you are left with your thoughts to make an appropriate decision on what to do next.

On a daily basis, we all experience a variety of different situations; some pleasant, others not so much! During the unfavorable times, I try to remember that if there is no benefit from what I’m considering doing or saying, then a negative response is just unnecessary and unhelpful. I remind myself that negative energy doesn’t travel far. Most times, you’re left with negativity lingering in your mind long after the situation is over. I’ve come to realize placing yourself in that mental space is NEVER worth it and creates a vicious cycle of unhappiness and negative energy!

So, what happens if you find yourself in a situation that requires your attention, but the other parties involved are being confrontational and negative? You could respond in the same manner, perpetuating the cycle of negative energy, or you can rise above the situation and decide that you won’t engage in a way that will disrupt your peace of mind. Make the decision to remain positive while addressing the issue if necessary. Your mind is so very powerful, life can be very pleasant when you use it to remain positive and preserve your peace! Remember mind over matter.

You aren’t always in a position to control what happens to you, but you are in control of what goes on in your mind! Don’t help anyone or anything hurt you! You help people hurt you by contributing to or engaging in negativity that WILL eventually affect you. YOU are comprised of energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, just transferred from one form to another. Be mindful of this when receiving and sending energy out into the Universe. While interacting with others, remember that if it hurts them, eventually it will hurt you. Regardless of the form or where it comes from, what you send out ALWAYS comes back to you!

All of this can be managed, controlled, and even avoided altogether when you use your mind to assess situations, consider your values, and use your heart to guide you to do what feels right before you engage in anything! If it doesn’t feel right to you, then it isn’t right for you to do! Consider ALL factors of what makes you who you are- your mind, body, and spirit should all agree. When you live from a place that fosters harmony and authenticity, you can feel good as a happy, healthy, and whole woman that lives your truth without negativity! It all starts with a thought and what you believe. Remember: Mind over matter, because this journey is all a mind thing!



Khojdeshia Denise


She Inspires: She Inspires: Throw a Vision Board Party

She Inspires: She Inspires: Throw a Vision Board Party

When was the last time you and your closes friends set down and really talked about your guys’ personal dreams? Where are you going? How are you getting there? How do you picture your life 5 years from now? A month from now? These are important questions to ask not only ourselves but the women around us that we care about. We know what the women around us want but we never ask to see their full game plan. It takes a community for people to succeed. It takes knowing that someone is in your corner cheering you on and praying for you to succeed! Imagine having the accountability from your closes friends when it comes to keeping up with your goals for your deepest and biggest dreams? Talk about motivation and a continual push in the right direction! This is why I’m suggesting that we all get our closes friends together and throw a vision board party! Save a Friday or Saturday night to enjoy inside with your girlfriends crafting, relaxing and building boards that will motivate you to go after your wildest dreams! Here’s some ideas to make your vision board party one inspiring and powerful dream session!


  1. Use old magazines!

This is a great way to add colorful sayings and images and a way to upcycle old magazines!


  1. Have a “girl power” playlist made and ready to play during crafting.

From Beyoncé to The Spice Girls, there’s many options for energetic and fun girl power tunes that you can add to a playlist and play all night while you all are creating your vision boards. It’ll set a positive energy vibe for the whole night!


  1. Have each friend bring something different to contribute to the boards

This will save you money and time and also bring a variety to what is allowed to go on the vision board! Make sure everyone knows what others are bringing so you don’t get duplicates!


  1. Have a writing station!

Set out some pens and paper so that before your guest begin working on their boards they can brainstorm exactly what they want to put on it and how to get all their dreams on their board!


  1. After everyone has made their board, talk about them! Let each person share their goals and vision in depth.

Get the coffee brewing or the wine ready and sit back and let everyone share what their dreams are and explain their vision board to the rest of the group! This will create a positive atmosphere of encouraging friends and also suggestions for helping each other get to where they want to be!


With love and big smiles,


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