Through life, it’s so easy to look at another person’s life, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter handle believing that their life is perfect or without life’s blemishes. We forget that life happens to everyone and although social media is great for connecting us- it is also great at masking the true reality in our lives.

Looking at someone, we never know what others are going through. We could see someone daily with a smile on their face and they are the same person crying their sorrows at night. Before placing judgment, criticizing, or sparking jealousy in your heart, always remember that you have no idea the real journey of walking in the other person’s shoes. It’s not always greener on the other side.

Imagine if everyone focused on their own portions in life:

If we focused on our relationship with God.

If we focused on our marriages.

If we focused on nurturing our children.

If we focused on our friendships.

If we focused on our health.

If we focused on our families.

If we simply focus on our own lives, we wouldn’t have time to judge, critic, or condemn another. Additionally, we would realize that our grass could be so beautiful, full, and healthy with a bit of nurture, time, and intentional care.

Don’t leave your grass unattended to because you’re so busy looking at others. Attend to your own portion, and make it lovely.



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