She Connects: How to Combat Negativity

She Connects: How to Combat Negativity

Let’s face it, sometimes being around negativity is out of our control. Whether it’s in the work place, your college dorm, family life, or maybe even your own thought life bad thoughts and situations happen. So what do we do when we are faced with negative situations or people? Here’s a list I’ve compiled to help you deal and react with negativity better because how we react is how we win the battle!


  1. POWER scriptures

The power of words is amazing! When a negative thought, negative situation or negative person is invading your space say out loud a positive scripture that immediately fights the negativity and puts it in its place! One of my favorites is Philippians 4:8.

  1. POSITIVE music

The minute I turn on fun and positive music I immediately stop thinking on the bad things, people or situations and feel as light as a feather as I begin to sing along to some pop song or worship song! This is great to do at your desk with headphones on, if your work place is where negativity tries to affect you.

  1. PUSH it.

After having a hard day or when you’re feeling down about yourself sweat it out! Go to the gym, do a home workout, go for a walk or turn on some dance music and dance a little. Whatever you prefer, get your body moving. Research shows that working out increases endorphins (your brains feel good neurotransmitters) which in turn improves your mood and leaves you with a better outlook and not to mention it benefits your body!

  1. PRAY or meditate

Quieting your mind and focusing on the bigger picture is such a huge part of prayer and meditation. When I take a minute a pray and talk to my heavenly father it’s truly meditation for me. It helps me to turn off all lies, frustrations and pains and turn my spirit to Gods goodness and peace. After taking a minute to pray I feel restored and renewed and prepared to fight any negativity that might come my way.


  1. PLACE yourself outside.

Literally, get a breath of fresh air! Step outside and soak in vitamin D! If you live close to the beach or mountains take a swim or go on a hike. Being outside recharges our bodies. Joy McCarthy tells us in her book Joyous Health, that a large study in the United Kingdom recently showed that green space is a powerful mood enhancer and improves self-esteem and your overall happiness. GO OUTSIDE and recharge!

With love and BIG smiles,


She Connects: What It Means To Believe

She Connects: What It Means To Believe

Let’s get started:

Regardless of our background, the family we were born in, or our social status, we have a gift readily available to assist us in moving towards whatever we desire to believe for.

This topic is a one that may appear to some as a simple term –many say they believe, but this word requires work. We really can believe for something that has not yet become tangible in our hands.


What does it mean to believe?

The definition of the word BELIEVE, is to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.


2. Trust yourself. Trust the voice inside your heart.


Anything that poses a positive impact, brings about good, challenges the status quo – is ok to trust. Good things will never hurt others – so if you are not brining discord or harm to anyone including yourself, trust yourself.


Learn to know when things are moving you toward something greater. We get better at this over periods of time.


3. Believing is an area that many of us struggle with because what we desire to see may not have physically appeared in front of our eyes.


4. When we choose to believe despite all negative self talk we move forward in allowing what we desire to see gravitate freely to us.


When we believe with our heart we send a clear message to the “thing” we desire to move towards us.


Others may not believe with you. You must know that this is something that you want so bad that having an entourage believing with you is not a requirement, but; when we truly gravitate towards the “thing” – people we need will appear and begin to walk along side of us.


5. Believing fuels success.

Believing requires deliberate action. We must renew our thoughts, address negative talk, make adjustments and ignite inspiration for the things we believe to happen for us.


6. Believing requires trusting.

If we do begin to get discouraged, listen to the thoughts that are being spoken and if after listening to the voices that say; “it will never happen”, “your time is gone”, “you messed up before”, and we feel that settling is ok – then that will continue to be the theme playing and we will place the thing that is gravitating towards us on hold, or it will become a missed opportunity. BUT, if we choose to think positive, speak positive, surround ourselves with positive thoughts, and embrace the journey, which seems like an extremely lucrative alternative for us rather than giving up on the thing(s) we believe for.

Before we can see the “thing” we desire in front of us, we will be tested with a life event of some sort.


Believing with a time table is very good. It’s even better when we allow time to work something fulfilling inside of us.


Believing requires patience.


When we believe, others will believe too.


Before we can expect anyone to believe with us, we must believe before anyone else, it’s our dream, our purpose, our vision not others.


Believe that it’s already yours.


7. Trust timing. Sometimes we have a vision of desire and we think it will happen one way, be flexible to the process of attaining the vision of dream but do not become doubtful because of delays or redirection. They are both tremendous gifts to the process.


Believe that what you desire to see is worth the fight.


Believe that all of the right pieces will fall into place.

Surround yourself with people that believe with you. Allow those that God desires to gravitate towards your purpose to come to you. Seeking out people own without His direction may cause unnecessary weight.

To believe and soar in what we desire to attain requires us to have “light weight.” This does not mean that you ignore, or not have love and compassion for your friends, family and the issues that they face, it means that we do not allow those things to cause our mind to lose focus and become blinded because of everyone else’s issues.

[Recap Of #STRONGTRUTHTUESDAY chat on @strongchatlive]



She Connects: Embrace The Vision

She Connects: Embrace The Vision

Vision is so important in this lifetime and it ignites a passion within me when I hear or read something great in reference to vision. Embracing your vision for your life is a good topic to start with and I feel this should be a three part deal; embrace your vision, build your vision, and execute your vision…so without further delay, today’s message is about embracing the vision of your life. (You may really want to check your excuses at the door before continuing).


Your life has purpose. We are created for a reason and our vision can be the driving force between where we go or staying in the same place. I was listening to a sermon by a minister who was blind. He may have had a disability that prevented him from seeing the outside world, but his vision for his life was greater than any ability to see. I may never forget the most powerful words he spoke, primarily the saying, “lack of vision is worse than blindness”. Here is a man who cannot see telling others that if you have no vision for your life, then you are worse off than he will ever be. That was rather powerful to hear.


He went on to mention the feats he was able to accomplish to get him to his purpose. He received a doctorate degree, published a book, and is a motivational speaker that travels the world. People never thought he would finish high school, let alone accomplish what things he’s already done. I mean talk about obliterating the excuses I could ever use after hearing someone overcome the impossible. Certainly, if he wanted to, if any of us wanted to, then we would be able to conjure up an excuse to remain without vision, without drive, without purpose. However, having a ridiculous amount of faith and bright vision, then there is no room for excuses.


Although he has much to be grateful for with the victories he won through Christ, his vision is still brighter than ever and he still moves forward. Vision can do that for your life. Vision says that there is light at the end of every tunnel. Working towards your vision you need to remove excuses and doubts and focus on the brightness up ahead. Vision gives you insight even if your natural sight is obsolete.


If it is your dream, then stop putting it off to the side like it has no meaning. Embrace what you are created to do. It does not always have to be the most comfortable thing, but it is the thing that gives you purpose. You will build your confidence once you embrace what your vision is. The evening may seem dark, but light always proceeds the night. Your situation may look impossible compared to your dream, but weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Stick with your vision, it is the hope of a brighter tomorrow. If you have a dream for your life, then embrace your vision. Do not let what looks impossible prevent you from accomplishing all that God has put inside of you.


Embrace your vision!


Ruthann is a the founder of the social enterprise, Just Be Confident. Her mission is to help women learn how to build their confidence and execute their vision. Ruthann is dedicated to a lifetime of learning and helping others by teaching, writing, and motivational speaking. Connect w/ Ruthann: E-mail: Google+  Facebook Twitter Instagram

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