Let’s face it, sometimes being around negativity is out of our control. Whether it’s in the work place, your college dorm, family life, or maybe even your own thought life bad thoughts and situations happen. So what do we do when we are faced with negative situations or people? Here’s a list I’ve compiled to help you deal and react with negativity better because how we react is how we win the battle!


  1. POWER scriptures

The power of words is amazing! When a negative thought, negative situation or negative person is invading your space say out loud a positive scripture that immediately fights the negativity and puts it in its place! One of my favorites is Philippians 4:8.

  1. POSITIVE music

The minute I turn on fun and positive music I immediately stop thinking on the bad things, people or situations and feel as light as a feather as I begin to sing along to some pop song or worship song! This is great to do at your desk with headphones on, if your work place is where negativity tries to affect you.

  1. PUSH it.

After having a hard day or when you’re feeling down about yourself sweat it out! Go to the gym, do a home workout, go for a walk or turn on some dance music and dance a little. Whatever you prefer, get your body moving. Research shows that working out increases endorphins (your brains feel good neurotransmitters) which in turn improves your mood and leaves you with a better outlook and not to mention it benefits your body!

  1. PRAY or meditate

Quieting your mind and focusing on the bigger picture is such a huge part of prayer and meditation. When I take a minute a pray and talk to my heavenly father it’s truly meditation for me. It helps me to turn off all lies, frustrations and pains and turn my spirit to Gods goodness and peace. After taking a minute to pray I feel restored and renewed and prepared to fight any negativity that might come my way.


  1. PLACE yourself outside.

Literally, get a breath of fresh air! Step outside and soak in vitamin D! If you live close to the beach or mountains take a swim or go on a hike. Being outside recharges our bodies. Joy McCarthy tells us in her book Joyous Health, that a large study in the United Kingdom recently showed that green space is a powerful mood enhancer and improves self-esteem and your overall happiness. GO OUTSIDE and recharge!

With love and BIG smiles,


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