She Loves: The Garden of Life

She Loves: The Garden of Life

From the moment we inhale our first breath of life, relationships are formed. Our young minds soak up the value of relationships through the visual behavior of the adults in our lives. We either learn the invested time needed to create strong relationships or we learn a lack of significance in maintaining the connections with others. Either path chosen, this all shapes our vision of relationships.

No matter how you decide to slice it, dice it, or divide it…relationships matter. They remind us that we’re never going through the journey alone. They help us grow. They help us move closer to our purpose. Through the good and bad, relationships are the very foundation of life- first beginning with our relationship with God.

Relationships are like gardens. They require time, patience, and a heart to nurture. Gardens that are unattended to eventually die and simply return to dust. They go through seasons of little growth and seasons of fruitful harvest. When we invest serious time, if we’re lucky—the seeds we plant become so deeply rooted that even when it “looks” as if there is no growth or activity on the surface, the roots continue to run deep.

Relationships are no different.

If you find yourself unsatisfied with the relationships that you’re surrounded by, evaluate the amount of time and care that you’re investing toward the core source of life.

Roll up your sleeves and nurture those gardens that we often call relationships.




She Loves: The Power of Praying For Your Husband

She Loves: The Power of Praying For Your Husband

We as wives have a personal responsibility for praying for our husbands. I mean, think about it, if you don’t pray for him fervently, then who will? I have found in my personal journey with my marriage that praying for my husband often stops me from nagging him and the fruit of praying for your husband goes beyond the physical world and into the spiritual world. There is a spiritual war going on all around us and the only thing that fights it is our faithful and fervent prayers. The devil is at work, fighting to get into our hearts and heads and the first place he goes to attack is the head of the home.

The Bible urges us in 1 peter 5:8, Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. We need to be alert and sober minded not only for us, not only for our children but for our husbands too. Physically, we can’t fight anything for our husbands but spiritually, we are prayer warriors, faithfully and fervently praying against every spirit that tries to attach itself to our husbands.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Ephesians 6:12-13

It’s important to know that when your husband seems to be going through something, acting a certain way, or struggling with something that it’s not him that you need to be angry with, rather a spiritual force that is attacking him. We need to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand our ground and fight back. Don’t get angry at your husband, that’s what the enemy wants, you two divided and angry. Instead, focus your energy on praying against the enemy and get angry at him by praying fervently to our God. If you cover your husband with the blood of Jesus and His promises and words the enemy has to flee.

Our husbands are mighty and strong but that doesn’t mean they don’t need our prayers. Commit yourself to praying for your husband daily. I challenge you ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and insight on what exactly he is struggling with right now and watch the power of God move through him. Write your prayers down and be amazed at how God answers them. Pray for your man and watch it transform him and even you!

With love and big smiles,


Mommy Knows: Praying For Your Kids

Mommy Knows: Praying For Your Kids


Recently I’ve been extremely dedicated to praying for my children fervently and constantly. We have a real enemy out there and if we aren’t covering our children in the blood of Jesus every day, before they start their days, then we are forgetting the most important part of being a parent, which is building up strong souls that will live for and love Jesus Christ. As much as we take care of our kids’ physical needs we need to submit their physical and spiritual needs to God and trust that he will provide, protect and guide our children during their journeys. Here’s a prayer I stumbled upon that I would love to share with you guys. I’m enjoying this prayer so much and I hope it blesses you and your children!

*Disclaimer: I did not make this prayer up, this prayer came from Jennifer Flanders at





Mommy Knows: Teaching Boundaries with Blanket Time

Mommy Knows: Teaching Boundaries with Blanket Time

It’s a big, amazing, colorful world and from the moment your little ones can crawl their curiosity leads them to discover it. While it’s great to allow our little ones time to explore it’s also important to teach them boundaries. Boundaries help with protection, preparation, and gives your child a sense of responsibility. Whether you need them to sit quietly at home while you take a call, sit quietly at church, or to stay in one area while out in public, it’s important that our little ones learn the value of boundaries and it’s even more important that we as parents teach them to respect the boundaries given to them. There’s one method in my household that saves the day, every day, and that is blanket time. Here’s some tips and tricks on how to make blanket time an effective tool for teaching boundaries.

Blanket time- A simple method of getting your kids to listen and stay in one area until mom says it’s time to move on. Grab a nice size blanket, big enough to give them a little freedom but small enough to contain them and teach them about staying in a specific area.

Tips and Tricks to succeed at Blanket time:

  1. Entertainment

Now sitting without an activity is torture, even to us adults! Gather some books, puzzles, flash cards coloring books, counting activities, alphabet activities, and even snacks so that you can set them up to succeed. Let them know that they are allowed to play with anything on the blanket and that it has to stay within the blanket.


  1. Use a timer

This allows for the kids to participate by hitting the timer and makes them feel like they are involved! It also gives them a physical look at how much longer they have until blanket time is done.


  1. Start small

Now, I do not start my 1 year off by asking him to sit on the blanket for 30 minutes, that’s not possible for his age nor is it fair to start out at where my 3 year old is just getting to. Start small. My 1 year old’s time goal is 5 minutes and then I let him go run around and play and come back as he pleases while my 3 year old finishes her last 25 minutes. Eventually your little ones will work their way up to an hour or even two, but start small.


  1. Reward  

CELEBRATE! A little body staying that still for that long is an achievement! Celebrate with stickers, suckers, a trip to the park, or however you choose! Just make sure you let them know how proud you are of them for sitting still and staying in their boundary.


With love and big smiles,


Mommy Knows: Fact or Fiction: Swimming Pools Edition

Mommy Knows: Fact or Fiction: Swimming Pools Edition

It’s summer time! And what better way to cool down other than spending the day at your local swimming pool? But are you aware of the problems that may arise from swimming a pool?

  • If a pool looks like it’s clean, then it’s obviously clean.

Fiction! In most cases, you would be correct. But there have been instances where dangerous microorganisms have been present in a seemingly clean pool. If the pool reeks of chemicals or you see something fishy, don’t take the chance.

  • I can get sick from swimming in a pool.

Fact! According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 1,326 reported to be affected by recreational water-associated outbreaks during 2009-2010. Swallowing, breathing, or having any form of physical contact with contaminated water can spread a variety of illnesses.

  • If I can smell a strong, chemical-like odor coming from the pool, then the pool is super clean.

Fiction! If you can smell the chemicals coming from the pool, it’s not because the pool was recently disinfected. The smell is a product of a mixture of chlorine and other containments that form from unhealthy chloramines growing in the water. In short, a well-maintained pool has little-to-no odor.

  • It takes time for chlorine to kill all of the germs that may reside in a pool.

Fact! Even though most germs are killed within minutes, germs, such as Cryptosporidium, can live in a pool days after the pool is treated.


All in all, if it smells bad or looks bad, then 9/10 it’s probably bad. Keep safe as you have a fun summer.

Mommy Knows: Learning From Motherhood

Mommy Knows: Learning From Motherhood

Fun like This.

It’s summertime and because of that we are spending a lot of time out and about having fun in our city! Last week we were at the sprinkle water park and so many kids were there. My three year old daughter, Journey, is very social and doesn’t know a stranger, however she’s also very content with playing by herself. In a room filled with people you can sometimes find her make believing all by herself and having a blast. I often push her to play with other people and tell her that we play by ourselves when we’re at home and we get to play with others when we’re out and usually she agrees and runs off to find someone to play with. Well on this particular day she had a different view.

I called her over and said “Hey, how about we play with the other kids while we’re here.” And she simply said, “But I’m having fun like this.”

As much as I want her to be social, I also want her to be okay with being alone. In this moment she reminded me that it’s perfectly okay to do your own thing in the middle of the crowd. That being alone isn’t wrong and that being able to be your own best friend and “have fun like this” is just as important as making friends. May we all be as content and confident with solitude the way my three year old daughter was in that moment.

Learning from motherhood,




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