She Connects: 50 Shades of Health Awareness

She Connects: 50 Shades of Health Awareness

If you ask the average citizen to define the word “wellness”, they may associate it with a person’s physical or nutritional well-being, and although they aren’t completely wrong, they do not have a understanding of what the word wellness means to in its entirety.

According to the American Heritage Medical Dictionary, Wellness is “the condition of good physical, mental and emotional health, especially when maintained by an appropriate diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications.”

Despite being serious in nature, mental health is generally overshadowed in society. Many people will write off symptoms as the victim being “overdramatic” or “a hypochondriac”, and many more don’t even recognize mental health as a real issue.

But according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, “nearly 44 million adults experience mental illnesses in a given year”.

The first week of October (Oct.4-10) is Mental Illness Awareness Week, and in honor of the week I want to introduce you to a powerful campaign that is at the heart of this week.

#IAmStigmaFree is an initiative coined by the National Alliance on Mental Illness that promotes mental health education, “seeing the person not the illness”, and taking action against mental illness.

But it doesn’t stop there.

By pledging to be stigmafree, you will be a member of a movement to turn stigma into hope.

You will begin to challenge social stereotypes, become educated on what it means to be mentally ill, and encourage others to become aware that mental illness is equally important to other illnesses.

If you interested in Mental Illness Awareness Week or the #IAmStigmaFree campaign, visit:



She Inspires: The Question of A Lifetime

She Inspires: The Question of A Lifetime

Who are you? Before answering this simply yet profound question, remember that who you are is never associated with an occupation, a person, or a thing. Who you are begins with the core essence of you that’s unseen to the natural eye. It’s your deepest desires and can be found in your darkest fears.

So—taking some time to think about it… who are you?

Truly learning the core of you takes time, patience, grace, and honesty. Here are some things that helped me along my journey of learning who I am at my core:

I read a lot of self-improvement books

Reading is fundamental. Most books are amazing but few can truly become life-changing. One book that helped me grow was “What to Do until Love Finds You” by Michelle Hammond McKinney. The first time I read this book was years ago but I still remember the moment of breakthrough: I was ending a horrible relationship and was slowly losing myself in a state of depression. One chapter of the book broke me down (literally). I cried for hours in my quiet house; the phone was on silent, the TV was off and the sound of my whimpers echoed. It was my moment of breakthrough with God. I couldn’t have experienced that moment without that book. Reading wasn’t only fundamental for my brain; reading became fundamental to my growth.


The older I become, the more my gift of influence and relationships become more apparent and clear. When facing difficult situations with people—I always self-reflect, asking myself HOW and WHY I responded the way I did. I also pay attention to how my thoughts react. That matters more than most realize.

I give grace… to MYSELF

In the process of learning myself, I learned things that I didn’t like. I wanted to change them but here’s the thing: if we could change ourselves on our own, we would have done it by now. We need God to help us change and grace is required through the process. If giving grace to yourself doesn’t come easy, remember the One that gives grace to you daily. If He can do it, we should certainly try our hardest to do the same too.

So, I let me ask again….

Who are you?

Seek. Discover. Evolve and love.



She Empowers: 5 Podcast for Girl Entrepreneurs

She Empowers: 5 Podcast for Girl Entrepreneurs

I find myself listening to podcast more and more these days! They are completely free, filled with wisdom, and such a great way to get educated on something without reading. I listen to podcast dealing with spiritual things, business things and even stories for my kids. Today I want to focus on podcast that will help empower and encourage you on your business venture! Here’s my top 5 podcast for girl entrepreneurs!

  1. Build Your Tribe: Chalene Johnson

Chalene focuses on how to build your team for the greater good!! She teaches us the numbers matter, but people matter most and how to cultivate them and create an amazing community!


  1. Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Amy Porterfield is a marketing powerhouse! If you need some help with marketing give her a try!


  1. Boost Your Sales & Lifestyle with Lisa Sasevich

Lisa teaches us how to grow and boost sales that in turn help us grow and boost our lifestyle! If money is your goal, she’s your girl!


  1. Mixergy—Startup Stories with 1,000 plus Entrepreneurs

Mixergy is awesome because you get multiple stories and perspectives from all kinds of entrepreneurs.


  1. Happy Black Woman Podcast with Rosetta Thurman

This one is awesome because it’s the only podcast I’ve found that is designed to specifically empower black women! Rosetta is so cheerful and wise and inspirational!

She Inspires: Letters To You: The “To Do List”

She Inspires: Letters To You: The “To Do List”

Hey You,

If you’re anything like me, you’re a little shocked that it’s already mid-October! Seriously, where did this year go? As the Autumn leaves change, I’m reminded yet again, “time flies when you’re chasing PURPOSE.” This year flew past and has been life-changing, and yet there’s still much to be done! When I look at my “To Do List” for this year, I feel proud and a little overwhelmed surveying what I’ve accomplished and what’s left to be done. However, instead of getting flustered and feeling rushed, I took some time to pause over the last couple weeks to assess what I’ve completed and prioritize the tasks that remain. This way, I know what deserves my immediate attention and energy.

In addition to prioritizing my remaining tasks, I also make a conscious effort to look at my goals and desires realistically. What can actually be done in these last few months? What can I set aside to tackle at the top of 2016? For some, this may be difficult or disappointing, but I’m learning to go with the flow and let things develop organically. Instead of being upset about what’s incomplete, I suggest using your energy to complete the tasks that are most pressing. There’s no need to be hard on yourself as long as you’re consistently and diligently working towards your goals. Trust they’ll be complete in the time they are meant. At this place in my life, I’m praying more and more for God’s DIVINE TIMING, because I never want to move outside of His will. The results are NEVER favorable and the hassle of getting back on track is just not worth it.

As you review where you are at this point in your life and this year, be loving and kind to yourself. Instead of considering the opinions of others and what anyone else is doing, be considerate of what you need to do first! These are your goals, plans, dreams, and visions! Remember: You are responsible for ALL you do and become. Use your energy wisely! You reap what you sow and if you want a great return, you have to put in a great investment. YOU are worth it!



Khojdeshia Denise

She Empowers: 3 Lessons from a GIRLBOSS’ Instagram Feed, Kennesha Buycks with Torrie Oglesby

She Empowers: 3 Lessons from a GIRLBOSS’ Instagram Feed, Kennesha Buycks with Torrie Oglesby

This week’s #GIRLBOSS: Kennesha Buycks

What makes her #GIRLBOSS certified: She is the creator of Restoration House Interiors, a mommy of 4 beautiful children, and a daughter of Christ working overtime to give Him all the glory with everything she puts her hand to. Through her platform she encourages and reminds women that who they are matters and what Christ wants to do through us matters even more!

You were made to do something amazing here. Don’t doubt it for a moment. Who you are matters. Your story matters. Your message matters.

-Kennesha Buycks


  1. Speak Your Truth

A lot of people sugar coat things on Instagram or only show you the best parts of their days, but Kennesha speaks and shares her truth with no apologies and it’s absolutely refreshing. Through posts about her hair or posts about her day she is always honest and transparent!

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When Kennesha takes a selfie she makes sure to make it something that effects everyone. It’s not just her gorgeous face and a silly caption, but a moving caption and a thoughtful one that makes you reflect on yourself as well. Even with a selfie, she manages to turn our eyes inward and upward.

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  1. Always create

Kennesha’s feed is filled with moments of creating! She’s an interior designer so it’s who she is. She creates beauty with her food, her hair, her clothes, her designs, her decoration and not to mention her beautiful family!


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