She Empowers: Stronger Than You Think

She Empowers: Stronger Than You Think

I have yet to find a woman whose heart has not weathered the storms of pain, disappointment, loneliness, and abandonment. In some way, life has broken us all; some into a million little pieces. But it is in these broken pieces where our strength is made whole and more resilient. It all comes down to how you view the setbacks you’ve encountered along the way.


How awesome is it to wake up each day knowing you aren’t fully whole, but yet you move about your day with purpose. Even if unintentionally, like going to work out of habit, you are able to accomplished tasks despite being broken. It takes strength to continue on in spite of your circumstances. Yes, you’re tired of being knocked down but it’s in refusing to stay in that dark place that screams out I AM STRONG. You just have to listen more intently to hear it.


Now is the time to press forward with a greater understanding of you capabilities and focus less on the situations that try to dibilitate you.


Here’s three truths you must learn to accept, while realizing you’re becoming stronger each day you refuse to quit.

1. You are not your past.

Everyone has a history. Unfortunately, for most of us, our past hurts have been contributed by someone else’s hand. But regardless of how dramatic your life has been, you’ve been given a future to invest in. Consider this your blank canvas to be painted on by your own hand. No longer do you have to carry the hurt and shame of past failures, bad habits, or how others have misused you. Give yourself permission to move on by believing you’re strong enough to do so. Whatsoever a man thinks in his heart is what he shall become. Think of the future you want; not the past that you’ve had.


2. Everyone faces adversity.

No, there is nothing wrong with you. There is no dark cloud that follows you. Life is filled with uncertainty and it is guaranteed that everyone will deal with their share of troubles. Does that give you permission to give up or sulk and question your existence? You can, but why waste your time stressing over circumstances you cannot change? Instead, believe there is a silver lining in your situation. Use it as an opportunity to grow stronger in your faith, hope, and love.


3. You are the creator of your happiness.

Everything around you is subject to change. People, feelings, your career, thoughts; all can change at any given moment. Don’t let your emotions be ruled by things you have very little to no control over. Utlimately, life is what YOU make it. Waiting for someone or something to come along to bring you joy is a mistake. Instead, make the decision to be happy. Make the choice to live stronger each day.


Tifany Berry is the founder and lead trainer of The Hard Glamour Team, a fitness brand dedicated to showing women their inner strength and true beauty through living a healthy lifestyle. When Tifany is not transforming lives, you can find her spending time with her three beautiful children, her loving fiancé, and enjoying a slice of pizza. Connect w/ Tifany: E-mail: Facebook LinkedIn
You Should Know Her: Brandi Williams Wants To Know If U Got Juice?

You Should Know Her: Brandi Williams Wants To Know If U Got Juice?

If born several decades earlier Brandi N. Williams would have been an afro wearing, fist-in-the air social activist. Instead the bicentennial baby and hip-hop music lover chose a career in public relations. In a career that spans almost two decades, Brandi has received numerous awards, earned her Accreditation in public relations, and established herself as an expert in community/grassroots relations, lifestyle brands and the African American community/culture. She has worked with some of the nation’s most prominent Fortune 500 companies; entertainers; athletes; and local, regional and national government and non-profit organizations.


She has been called Angela Davis: the sequel. while she views this as a compliment, she prefers to position herself as a pr strategist and new-age, fist-in-the-air social justice fighter.


The bicentennial baby, Accredited PR pro and hip-hop music lover uses her formal training in public relations to advocate for causes.


For nearly two decades brandi has worked in the non-profit, government, entertainment, lifestyle and corporate sectors to bridge divide between the streets and the suites. Brandi’s advocacy and community building work includes serving as:


•lead strategist for the parent and community engagement arm of a nationally-recognized turn-around educational project. work was featured in a recent U.S. Department of Education publication.


•the Charlotte Leadership Chair for Hip Hop Caucus


•a 2013 50 States Clean Air Ambassador with Earth Justice and the Hip Hop Caucus


•primary organizer for a program with rapper 2Chainz to encourage ex-felons to register and vote. this was done as a part of the Hip Hop Caucus’ 2012 GOTV effort.


Brandi consults, trains, writes and provides social commentary from a reality-based perspective on issues that impact people of color.


Connect with Brandi online on  Instagram and join the juicecru movement []

You Should Know Her: Michelle Cooper Is A Woman Of Purpose

You Should Know Her: Michelle Cooper Is A Woman Of Purpose

Michelle Cooper was born and raised in the beautiful sunny city of Miami, Florida as the only daughter to loving parents. Growing up surrounded by God-fearing parents, her mother deepened her gift for music and ensured that she learned how to read music and cultivate her gift. Throughout her time as a child, Michelle pursued her musical gifts, her love for God through music, the band at her middle and high school, the choir, and her church organizations which came as no surprise. As she grew she feared God, dedicated her life to seeking Christ, and is now impacting many with her musical gifts, prophetic calling, and her gift of business.


As a graduate of Miami Norland High School, Michelle Cooper set her eyes on attending the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL studying music and business; during her sophomore year – she began working for a major corporation as she worked towards completing her degree; she fell in love with the telecommunications industry and marketing. As her career advanced, she took additional course work at the University of Phoenix majoring in Business Administration and Marketing, and also Life Christian University to develop her ministerial leadership skills. Michelle has served on multiple industry boards and has served using her marketing and leadership skills to help women and girls reach their full potential in business. Her entire life and career combined has allowed Michelle Cooper to develop as a leader, a sound marketer for over twelve years – executing product marketing tactics and has served God with her gifts and through ministry.


Her next personal goal is to receive a law degree – which will take her career to a new level with hopes to help organizations defend their marketing ads, properly position their products against competitors while advertising and protecting the brand of organizations. She is currently actively pursuing this next chapter of her career as a student at Mercer University.


Her prophetic and musical gift is impeccable! Her ability to hear the voice of God and share what God reveals to her through the prophetic to those in her path is needed for this time and seasons to come! She understands the importance of a lifestyle of worship and the role that it plays in hearing clearly from God – to make an impact to the people she encounters. Her gift is without a doubt clear, precise, and confirmed on so many levels.


She is a Servant… Faithful and submitted, Michelle currently serves at her home church as the Director of Marketing Media and Communications; she oversees the media, video, audio, marketing, and products. She also utilizes her gift within the Music Department.


She is a Prophetess… she has knowledge and wisdom well beyond her years. She has a deep revelation of God’s word and shares God’s word through a word of knowledge and wisdom with many that she encounters all around the world. She is a PROPHETIC BRIDGE sharing her God-given insight with worship leaders across the world on how to effectively and consistently access God’s Presence.


She is a Leader… The undying Love, devotion, and passion Michelle Cooper has for God is undeniable. Yes, it is true that we all enjoy the fruit of her calling of the prophetic, music, and the business world – but it is very clear that Michelle loves God and the people of God to whom she prophesies to and ministers when she stands behind a microphone. When you come into her presence you will feel her beautiful smile which will radiate your heart. Michelle Cooper is the mother of two beautiful children and reside in Atlanta, Georgia.


Connect w/ Michelle:


You Should Know Her: Jazmine Highsmith Creates A Voice For Female Athletes

You Should Know Her: Jazmine Highsmith Creates A Voice For Female Athletes

I’m Jazmine Highsmith and I was born and raised in Miami Florida. I excelled in track & field in the throwing events and received a track & field scholarship to the University of South Florida. After four years as a student-athlete I graduated with a BA in Interdisciplinary Social Science in 2009. In 2011 I graduated with a MBA in Sports Business from Saint Leo University. In 2013 I founded Female Athletes Rock a non-profit dedicated to empowering and inspiring female athletes. This year Female Athletes Rock will host it’s first event in Missouri City, Tx at Hightower High School for high school female athletes. This event will inform, inspire, and educate young female athletes about areas important to their success as an athlete. I am currently a partner at GHS Elite Management group: a sport marketing and management firm and I am working on my PhD in Sports Management. One day I aspire to be an Athletic Director at a Division I Institution.

Connect w/ Jazmine:

Instagram at @jazziejae & @femaleathletesrock

She Inspires: Finding Your Beat

She Inspires: Finding Your Beat

Music is said to be the universal language. It is said to transcend all boundaries and speak words often unspoken. However, it is the beat that speaks to the soul, the very heart of the person listening. You can feel the beat before any word is said or any hook comes on and it resonates with you. It can be a simple “ooooh that’s my song” , a hand in the air or a clap of your hands. So, the question is how do you take the feeling a favorite song gives you and make your life feel the same way? It’s simple you find your beat! Your beat is unique to you it is a sound that only comes from you. There are 3 simple steps to finding your beat:


1. Test your rhythm: When you are faced with a decision do you immediately seek outside help before ever pondering the idea yourself? Do you act first and consult later or do you come to an understanding then reference people or materials before finalizing your decision?


2. Lay your vocals: When you speak do you hear your voice first, is it drowned out by others or does it appear to be silent or non-existent?


3. Bring the beat in: When you hear the beat does it complement your sound, overpower your vocals or manipulate the vibe you were initially trying to achieve?


These steps translate into method of understanding who we are and who we are not. Lets look at “Test Your Rhythm”, when you are pondering over decision or evaluating an outcome you should look at the process that got your there. When you were first faced with a decision did you turn inward or outward? If you immediately checked with yourself first, you have a basic handle on understanding your beat. Meaning you value your own opinion or view first, not searching for someone to tell you what to think, feel or say. If you immediately went to a person or resource (book) you are in the seeking phase of finding your beat. You are unsure of your personal power, this is clear from the lack of self reflection first. You value your opinion secondary to that of someone or something you respect. In order to find your beat, you have to dig inside and pull up all the self doubt, fear, labels, uncertainty, love, inspiration and any other emotion you feel to the surface. In this process you begin to “Lay Your Vocals.


During the process of laying your vocals you hone in on your true authentic voice, what it sounds like, when, where and how you project it. All the emotions you have drudged up become noise and it is your job to put it into words. Take your pad and pen and write down everything that is bothering you, everything that brings you joy, what you value and what weighs you down. Once you have all four list go line by line, word by word and ask yourself two questions 1. Is this my voice I hear or it it that of someone who has poured into me (doesn’t matter if you feel it’s good or bad)? 2. How much of my life am I owning and how are my actions being translated to others?


The first question is designed to make you confront the things in your life that you bring to the table and those that have been self-imposed due to someone or something else. Through this question you should be able to identify if your voice is the main feature or the background vocals.


If it’s the main feature you have two major things to address power and balance. When you have a pretty good handle on your voice you might be closed off to hearing others opinions, this is not to be confused with searching for validation. Being able to filter what others pour into your life and balance that with your own personal power is necessary for the vocal portions of your track. The ability to give and receive creates crisp vocals without a lot of reverb or feedback, ensuring that you are always the main feature on your track.


If you are the background vocals on your track the two major things you need to address are confidence and fear. Background vocals are often said to be the secret star, but they fear the spotlight shining directly on them, so they “play the background”. In your life, “playing the background” is not an option. You have to take the reigns of the things that you did not invite and fall in love with the confidence that resides among the sound barriers that you have placed on yourself. You have look fear in the face and release yourself from this factious thing that causes you to squeak by in the track of your life. The first step to moving from the background vocalist to the main feature is confidence, once you are confident that your voice can carry across the message you intend the more empowered you are to step out of the safe zone.


The second question is simply self-reflection. How are you impacting your life and are you owning it without excuses. No one is responsible for your life, but you. If you are owning your life, make sure you own the good and the bad, the bitter and the sweet so that you can truly get to the depths of your soul. As you do that you are able to create an environment where you can translate your actions to other without imposing your voice on track. If you are not owning your life, two words come to mind “get busy”. It is your responsibility to do the work necessary to manifest your own greatness. If you do not understand what you voice sounds like your life will be consumed with the sounds of other and you will never get to “Bring The Beat In”.


After testing your rhythm and laying your vocals you have to complete the track by bring the beat in. The beat is all the other stuff that goes with your life. It’s the instability of things that you have no control over, the unexpected things happen in spite of pre-planned safety nets or self-reverting back to the familiar. When you put the track of your life to a beat, make sure it enhances what you already bring to the table and amplifies your voice while mixing in the elements that makes finding your beat worth the wait.


Be Inspired,


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