She Reads: Book Review, Can I Live? By Ronnie J.

She Reads: Book Review, Can I Live? By Ronnie J.

In a world where being a female and being black can get you sold or killed, Ronnie J. reminds us why now more than ever, we need to stand up and take our lives in our own hands. In this timely and honest read, Ronnie J speaks to girls everywhere, and though it is towards black girls, I believe this can speak to any female that has ever been a minority in any way, shape or form. It’s very insightful and empowering and makes you want to work even harder on the vision and dreams you’ve been given. Despite whatever adversity stands in your way Ronnie challenges you to stop making excuses and start taking control of your life.

With haunting statistics that make you realize just how harsh our reality is, Ronnie encourages us to question if we are going to fall into the statistics or rise above. She forces us to look at our decisions and choices and to be bold enough to choose the path that may not be the easiest in our lives because in the end, that is the path that gets us what we want out of life.

“Do you know what a diamond is without pressure? Coal. Invaluable lumps of coal. Your life is that diamond. You will have to work sometimes under pressure, to get where you want to be. Working hard and deviating from the norm may sound overwhelming but there is no better feeling than when you start seeing results and reaping the benefits of your hard work.”

After getting you pumped up in the first part of the book she then prepares you with methods and real world examples to help you achieve all your goals. Things like building work ethic, making a plan, sticking to it, and remaining unbothered in a world that is constantly trying to upset you and get you off focus. Finally she ends by encouraging us to finish strong!! The path will not always be easy but with a little sweat, a lot of prayer, and perseverance you will be fruitful in the end. I recommend this book to any young minority female who is building her empire despite all the challenges that she is facing. This book will inspire you and pull you forward on your journey!

All in all, I gave this book 4/5 stars. Defintely go pick it up and catch Ronnie on Instagram @OFFICIAL_CANILIVE to join the Can I Live? Movement.

With love and big smiles,


She Empowers: How Bad Do You Want it?

She Empowers: How Bad Do You Want it?

In today’s society, everything is about convenience. From parallel parking to everything being at your fingertips through mobile apps— we’re all about making things in life easier. But somewhere along the lines of evolving technology and self-parking cars, the concept of creating shortcuts became a perceived reality for making your dreams come true.


Don’t believe the hype. Short cuts do not exist when it comes to pursuing your dreams. Someone once told me “I’m asking God to show me my purpose in life, but I just don’t want to work weekends, holidays, and I prefer to be finished with work at a decent hour.” They conveyed their desires to go after their purpose believed that those goals should be attainable within those parameters.


This is an example of the deception in action.


Pursuing your dreams take work, effort, sweat, and a lot of tears along the way. If walking into your purpose was easy, everyone would do it. More individuals will respond to the voice within their hearts that direct them to make their dreams a reality. Truth be told, there are no short cuts or convenient pathways to achieving your goals and you have to ask yourself, how bad do you want it? If you seek your goal (let’s call it plan A) but create another just in case (consider that plan B)—you truly don’t want that original goal bad enough to invest all of your faith and effort into it.


Be honest with yourself and ask yourself how badly do you want it, trust the voice within to believe that the dream is in your heart to be shared with the world, then have confidence in yourself to push aside the fear and doubt—and go! No short cuts necessary.


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