She Reads: The Woman I Wanted To Be

She Reads: The Woman I Wanted To Be

We’re almost halfway through the year and if your motivation to complete all your 2015 goals is getting slimmer by the minute then do yourself a favor and pick up Diane von Furstenburg latest memoir The Woman I Wanted To Be.


“Use your brains, your common sense, and do not become an object. The way you look is important, but who you are and how you project it is eventually who you will become and how you will appear.”

-Diane von Furstentburg, The Woman I Wanted To Be.

The Woman I Wanted To Be by Diane Von Furstenberg is a must read for women of all ages, but it offers something special specifically for the twenty and thirty something year old women. Diane’s life is one big pot of inspiration, courage and guts!!! In this riveting and honest account of her life she takes us on a journey about love for yourself, love for others, family life, work life and all the battles in between. It definitely relit a fire in me to go after my dreams and to be as fearless and daring as I was in high school. The wisdom and grace oozing out of this woman is admirable and contagious! I felt myself desiring to be more like her just by reading her words and looking at her life! She’s lived a lot and has seen a lot and is completely honest and transparent with her story and choices, which is rare in today’s world. The reader gets to see how the woman we become starts from childhood and evolves through every season of our lives. It was hopeful seeing the evolution of Diane and encouraged me to keep doing my best because hard work truly does pay off, even if it takes time. Bottom line? GET THE BOOK. You won’t be disappointed and you will be burning with a new desire to finish 2015 strong!I give this book 5 coffee beans out of 5 coffee beans.


With love and big smiles,



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