She Empowers: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

She Empowers: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

The longer we live, the more “real” life gets. With a new year, we strive for new growth and a new perspective. However, have you noticed that through our efforts, it seems as if things continue to happen that keep us from moving forward? For every two steps taken, life happens and we’re forced to take ten steps backward.


When chaos happens in life, here are a few tips to help keep us grounded:


Prayer and Meditation

Prayer changes things and when it doesn’t change within our time table, it gives us the internal peace to remain hopeful while we wait. Through prayer, meditation follows. Worry is simply a perverted version of meditation. When we think on things and ponder on thoughts, we meditate and feed the thoughts (good or bad). For people like me, I find myself seeking the surrounding of people when I should be praying instead. Push through the desire to share with others and simply seek God.


Dive into your passion

During chaotic times, it’s very easy to meditate on your situation instead of things that make you happy or fulfilled. If you love writing– write. If you love art or music, spend time feeding that love. It will help you to not focus on the negative


Speak life

Our words are extremely powerful. When we speak about our situations, we make them larger and our faith smaller. Even in the midst of venting, we’re allowing our words to simply manifest more of the things that we’re venting about. Instead of saying “I can’t seem to get it right” say “I will get it right soon.” Instead of saying “I can’t seem to have enough money.” say– “My needs are being met in abundance and money is a resource that I receive freely.”


Did I mention, pray? Then pray some more?! Okay, great!


What are some ways you maintain peace in the midst of chao? Share with us your techniques!



She Empowers: How Guarantee Success for your Goals

She Empowers: How Guarantee Success for your Goals

We’re preparing for a new year that’s right around the corner! As 2015 comes to an end, many of us are setting our sights on what’s to come for 2016. As we prepare to to set new goals, here are a few tips to make those goals fool-proof:


Write out your goals

There is a very clear reason why the Word of God tells us to write our vision and make it plain. When we write out our goals, we plant the seeds into the earth. We begin to turn our dreams into tangible goals that can become reality. Additionally, the act of writing out goals helps us to wrap our minds around our desires and what the success will look like. We must first visualize success before we can walk into it.


Periodically check-in to track your goals

Many of us are great at writing goals once a year and calling them “New Year Resolutions” but how many of us actually look at those goals throughout the year (or attempt to push through the moments of quitting during the duration of the year). To see a goal manifest, we must develop in self-discipline and persistence. Reviewing goals throughout the year helps us to keep our end goals in mind.


Have an accountability Partner

It’s important for us to protect our goals and be mindful of the confidants we have as it pertains to our deepest dreams and desires. However, it’s also wise to seek an accountability partner– who can help push you to your success. Not only is this person a well-trusted advocate, but they’re intentions are purely the help you achieve the things you want to do in life. Tell your accountability partner your goals and be okay with them checking in on your progress! That’s what they’re there for:).


Use Fear, doubt, and Uncertainty as Motivation

Fear will happen as you strive to meet your goals. Life will bring curve balls and things will not go as planned. In the midst of these times, it is critical for us to stay focused on the coarse, shift our sail as needed, and use all adversity for motivation. Just because things happen that are not expected, it doesn’t mean that we will not achieve the goals we set out for. Be open to change and learn as your go.


What other tips can you add to the list for our STRONG family?


She Connects: Finding Gratitude during a Season of Stillness

She Connects: Finding Gratitude during a Season of Stillness

We all have seasons of planting seeds in our lives, and then a time of harvest. This cycle is constant. Even during the midst of our harvest, we are planting seed through our behaviors toward others and how we act during our seasons of blessings. It’s much easier to maintaining a heart of gratitude when all things are going well in our lives and great things are happening. However, how do we respond as we walk through the journey in the valley? Do we fight for control? Do we try our best to keep our composure?

When we encounter seasons in the valley—the best things we can do is simply be still and rest in God’s peace.  In Philippians 4: 6-7 reminds us this:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

When you’re praying about all things (and truly believing those prayers are in good hands), it becomes hard for you to not give thanks in the midst of your trouble. By doing so, your life will change forever. Your peace of mind will not reside on things or people on this earth.

Strive for peace and gratitude through prayer not because of all things, but IN all things. Through the stillness of your soul, gratitude will abide.

Woman To Woman: Remembering The Silent Cries

Woman To Woman: Remembering The Silent Cries

It’s holiday season is a time when many of us travel to be with loved ones, family and close friends. We show kindness to the ones we loves through great food, time, laughter, and gifts. We’re sounded by Christmas Carols, eggnog, and beautiful lights on the Christmas tree.

On the contrary, this is also a time of year where people are reminded of loved ones who have passed away, relationships that didn’t last, and dreams that haven’t yet manifested in the time desired. People who are going through these feelings and moments of pain suffer in silence. They smile and share laughs through standard conversation and cry silently behind closed doors. As those around them share sentiments of joy, they wear a mask to hide tears and sadness. Through the pain, they allow thoughts and memories to dig a deeper wound of pain—which makes their silent turmoil almost unbearable.

As we prepare for Christmas and the New Year, let’s make it a priority to be kind and intentional toward all of those around us. Let’s hug a little longer, show care and concern with authenticity, and give love freely and in abundance. Those suffering rarely open up to cry for help, so your love could be the very thing to help them get through this season.ALTIMESE - asig

She Loves: How to Speak the Languages of Love

She Loves: How to Speak the Languages of Love

Love is a universal language that everyone loves, accepts, and craves. However the style of the love language differs for every individual on earth. While love resonates best for some through quality time, others prefer acts of service or words of affirmation. Which language are you? Which languages are those closest to you?


The 5 love languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time, Physical Touch and Gifts. We all receive love through them all but they are normally ranked differently for every individual. Here are some ways to speak each of these for the loved ones in your life.


Words of Affirmation

  • After completing a task, project, or chore around the house- tell the person “You did an amazing job!”
  • Always say “Thank You” and tell them you appreciate their presence in your life
  • Never seek a reason to say, “I Love You.” Just tell them at random times to show you’re thinking of them
  • Verbally encourage the person when they’re going through; become their cheerleader!


Acts of Service

  • Intentionally seek ways to lighten their to-do list
  • Always show that you’re reliable and dependable
  • For your spouse, do things around the house for them without them asking


Quality Time

  • Make an effort to call them randomly throughout the week to check on them
  • Seek ways to spend time with them (whether via skype, phone call, or in person—which is always best), and hold to your appointment
  • Never make it a habit with cancelling “dates”


Physical Touch

  • If it’s your spouse, warmly embrace them often; If it’s a friend, hug them or link arms with them when you reconnect.
  • For a spouse, understand that physical touch is more than just physical intimacy or sex. Touch them daily when you pass by them. (It doesn’t matter where but the graze of your touch reminds them of being wanted).
  • For a spouse, hold hands often; for a friend, make a secret handshake or fist bump often.



  • The size of the gift doesn’t (normally) matter. Take the time to LISTEN to the things your loved ones speak about and buy them something that aligns with the things they discuss. For example, if they love fashion, gift them with a subscription for a Fashion Magazine.
  • Randomly buy them their favorite chocolate/items/ thing.
  • If they tell you what they want— just buy that! That shows that you’re listening.


If you’ve never done so, I encourage you to take the 5 Love Language assessment and encourage those you love to do the same! There are tests for couples, singles, and more!

Learn the languages of love and you can speak directly to the hearts of those you love most!

Share with us your love language and way’s you’ve taken time to speak the love language of others!



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