Do you know the difference between being kind and being nice? To be nice means to display an agreeable demeanor or to appear friendly. Kindness is an act of intent to show a loving gesture toward another through behavior or good deeds.

As we’re quickly approaching the holiday season, we often think about great food, great laughs, and quality time with our loved ones. Unfortunately, this time of year also brings a lot of painful memories for many who suffer in silence.

It time for us to go beyond the surface of being nice to others and become more intentional through acts of kindness. For 30 days, I challenge you to complete at least one kind deed for 30 days. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Pay for the person’s coffee in front or behind you in the morning
  • Pay for someone’s lunch
  • Help someone bring grocery to their car
  • Offer to help a friend with a tedious project or task
  • If you know a family with a newborn, cook them a meal and bring it to them
  • Offer to babysit for a night to help a couple have a much needed date night.
  • Encourage someone to pursue their goals
  • Write a letter of recommendation via LinkedIN for a colleague
  • Surprise someone with a card in the mail
  • Spark a “Pay It Forward” Sticky note challenge in your workplace

How and for who is totally up to you but feel free to use some of these to help you get started!

Do you have any more to add to the list? If so, please share them with the STRONG readers! We would love to hear them!


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