Have you heard of The Law of Attraction? It’s a thought philosophy that like attracts like. This simply means that in life, we attract the things that we are within us. Whether good, bad, or indifferent—we attract the things and people that are merely a reflection of what’s within.

Although the theory is debatable by many, I am a firm believer that that is true because I’ve seen it play out in my life personally. Additionally, the philosophy has a foundation of belief – which further reinforces truth behind the concept that we attract what we put out. For example, in the word of God, we’re told to BELIEVE FIRST and we will SEE it manifest later. Regardless of the circumstances, we’re told to stand on faith and believe that our perception will become our reality. It all starts within.

I’ve lived this out for years. A professional mentor (that’s a CMO of a globally recognized company and home brand) share with me one of her secrets to success:

“I don’t think about where I am. I visualize where I want to be. I go beyond visualizing through living my life as if it’s already happened. For every promotion, I’ve found someone in the company that had the type of role I wanted next. I would observe and study the person’s behaviors, how they interacted with peers, and learned more about their work ethic… and I would imitate them. I’d put my one personal spin one what I found as my next professional stepping stone. You can’t have what you don’t believe you deserve or you can see. If you can see yourself there, then it’s yours.”

From marriage, to career moves… her wisdom has held great truth for me. I’ve taught myself to live my life through the lens of my future self, and my physical and current circumstances will simply align with time.

Have you experienced the Law of Attraction in your life? Share with the STRONG leaders how it’s had an impact on your life.



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