The longer we live, the more things we will experience—both good and bad. The circumstances that we face help surface our true character while building resilience in the process. When dealing with disappointment, our response can determine the direction of how those experiences will impact us in the long run.

If you ever find yourself stuck on disappointment, here are a few ways to cope through the process:

  1. Focus on the bigger picture

Many times, the things we encounter are minor in comparison to the bigger picture. Never forget that. If you face disappointment with your friends, children, spouse or co-workers, ask yourself “does this matter to the bigger picture?” Would the disagreement matter one year from now? How about one month? If it’s not a deal-breaker, let it go and focus on the things that matter. Often times, the things that matter aren’t things; they’re people. So, focus on the greater purpose instead of the minor problem.


  1. Mind over Matter

While talking with a friend about an unfortunate circumstance, I recall hearing him say, “Well it is mind over matter. So if I choose not to mind, it won’t matter.” I remember thinking…. WHAT?! What in the world was he saying? Is he saying that he can mentally make a situation so minuscule in our minds that it will be as if it’s non-existent? Absolutely. Our minds are powerful tools and the true battlefield within our head—not on this earth. When facing resistance in life, many times we make it into something much bigger… mentally. By choosing to master our thoughts toward the external circumstances, we’re ultimately choosing to master the power that the circumstance has within our lives.


  1. Address your feelings with Honesty and Respect

Although we shouldn’t base our behaviors on our feelings, it’s vital for us to address how we feel as it happens. When we fail to tend to our feelings, they appear as outlets in other ways and areas in our lives. Our feelings deserve validity and value. Address how you’re feeling and get to the WHY behind the feeling. Cleanse your heart and embrace the feeling you’ve experienced, then move forward with a pure heart and clear intentions.


  1. Surround yourself with Positivity

When things don’t go as planned, most of us have a tendency to shut out the world. We pull ourselves away from others to get ourselves together. It’s a good thing to step back for a moment to reflect, but it’s also imperative that we surround ourselves with positive things and people. It reminds us that in the midst of trouble, we’re still surrounded by beautiful things and people that we can appreciate. It also helps us to maintain a grateful mindset through the storm.


Disappointment is inevitable so using these things to help maintain a positive perspective is key. We may not be able to change our circumstances but we can change how we respond to those situations.

In the mist of challenging times, practice these four things and remember the beautiful words of the serenity prayer:

prayer, altimese




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