Within the Word of God, Proverbs 23: 7 says, “As a [wo]man thinketh, so is [s]he.” Everything in our lives begin with our thoughts. No matter how great (or devastating) our circumstances can be, we have the power to shape and shift perspective through the thoughts we focus on. The more we think about things, people, or circumstances (no matter good or bad), the more they can have an impact on our lives long after past moments occurred.

To increase blessings and gratitude in our lives, we must meditate on the things that are good and positive in our lives. Many people allow external circumstances to dictate the internal state of being. However, we’re designed to produce, manifest, and have dominion over external things (not to merely be subjects reacting to external situations). The more we set our mind to things that are pleasing, the more we manifest good things into our reality.

Want more to be thankful for? Start thinking of the things that spark a heart of gratitude!

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beattie


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