She Empowers: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

She Empowers: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

The longer we live, the more “real” life gets. With a new year, we strive for new growth and a new perspective. However, have you noticed that through our efforts, it seems as if things continue to happen that keep us from moving forward? For every two steps taken, life happens and we’re forced to take ten steps backward.


When chaos happens in life, here are a few tips to help keep us grounded:


Prayer and Meditation

Prayer changes things and when it doesn’t change within our time table, it gives us the internal peace to remain hopeful while we wait. Through prayer, meditation follows. Worry is simply a perverted version of meditation. When we think on things and ponder on thoughts, we meditate and feed the thoughts (good or bad). For people like me, I find myself seeking the surrounding of people when I should be praying instead. Push through the desire to share with others and simply seek God.


Dive into your passion

During chaotic times, it’s very easy to meditate on your situation instead of things that make you happy or fulfilled. If you love writing– write. If you love art or music, spend time feeding that love. It will help you to not focus on the negative


Speak life

Our words are extremely powerful. When we speak about our situations, we make them larger and our faith smaller. Even in the midst of venting, we’re allowing our words to simply manifest more of the things that we’re venting about. Instead of saying “I can’t seem to get it right” say “I will get it right soon.” Instead of saying “I can’t seem to have enough money.” say– “My needs are being met in abundance and money is a resource that I receive freely.”


Did I mention, pray? Then pray some more?! Okay, great!


What are some ways you maintain peace in the midst of chao? Share with us your techniques!



She Empowers: How Guarantee Success for your Goals

She Empowers: How Guarantee Success for your Goals

We’re preparing for a new year that’s right around the corner! As 2015 comes to an end, many of us are setting our sights on what’s to come for 2016. As we prepare to to set new goals, here are a few tips to make those goals fool-proof:


Write out your goals

There is a very clear reason why the Word of God tells us to write our vision and make it plain. When we write out our goals, we plant the seeds into the earth. We begin to turn our dreams into tangible goals that can become reality. Additionally, the act of writing out goals helps us to wrap our minds around our desires and what the success will look like. We must first visualize success before we can walk into it.


Periodically check-in to track your goals

Many of us are great at writing goals once a year and calling them “New Year Resolutions” but how many of us actually look at those goals throughout the year (or attempt to push through the moments of quitting during the duration of the year). To see a goal manifest, we must develop in self-discipline and persistence. Reviewing goals throughout the year helps us to keep our end goals in mind.


Have an accountability Partner

It’s important for us to protect our goals and be mindful of the confidants we have as it pertains to our deepest dreams and desires. However, it’s also wise to seek an accountability partner– who can help push you to your success. Not only is this person a well-trusted advocate, but they’re intentions are purely the help you achieve the things you want to do in life. Tell your accountability partner your goals and be okay with them checking in on your progress! That’s what they’re there for:).


Use Fear, doubt, and Uncertainty as Motivation

Fear will happen as you strive to meet your goals. Life will bring curve balls and things will not go as planned. In the midst of these times, it is critical for us to stay focused on the coarse, shift our sail as needed, and use all adversity for motivation. Just because things happen that are not expected, it doesn’t mean that we will not achieve the goals we set out for. Be open to change and learn as your go.


What other tips can you add to the list for our STRONG family?


You Should Know Her: Jamie Swim

You Should Know Her: Jamie Swim

There are artists in the world that are recognizable as soon as you see their work. This same is true for Jamie Swim’s graphically whimsical Hawaiian inspired art. Even more charming than her art, if you could even imagine something more charming, is Jamie herself. Genuinely sincere in her bashfulness at the recent explosion of her art to the mainland and all through out the North Shore. Jamie expressed to me “It doesn’t feel real, I feel so blessed I get to do what I love and get paid for it!” Sitting at the Coffee shop, both of us with little girls in tow we dove into her life experiences that molded her life and her art to happily embrace the spirit of Aloha that she loves so much.

Jamie was born and raised in Arizona, however, Hawaii always called to her. She always would paint foliage and scenery that she imagined Hawaii might be like. She would look at photos and do her best to manifest the beauty she knew called out to her! Then one day she decided to do it. She decided to drop everything and make the move to O’ahu. No job or even place to live, Jamie reminisced, “I just knew if i was gonna do it, I just would have to do it!”. And that she did! She moved to O’ahu stayed with friends and worked at the Sea Life Park as a photographer. “Talk about random” she giggled. Most importantly Jamie expressed to me how much her art begun to flourish once she was here. She became overwhelmed with the beauty of Hawaii and wanted to paint everything in her sight. That was when she begun to establish the style we all so readily recognize now. Her waves became better, because she was able to experience them, the lighting, and the flowers all were a reality for her now, and the love she dreamed of for Hawaii was even better once she was living in the land of Aloha!

            Now, Jamie’s work is featured in local businesses, sold in department stores on the mainland and continues to be many peoples choices for gifts and statement pieces for their home. Jamie admitted that she loves doing custom art and manifesting peoples vision with her art! She also is dipping her toes, quite successfully, in marketing posters for companies and special events. She has the ultimate dream to design the major surfing competition’s posters and advertisements! She honors her husband for giving her the gusto to put her art out there, because if it wasn’t for him, she would portably never have gotten the courage to share her beautiful gift that blesses so many!

jamei1 jamie2

Jamie is still living on the North Shore and painting in the midst of raising two beautiful girls and being an awesome wife. I treasure women who are convinced that they can be present mothers in their children’s lives as well as still dream big. That is what inspires the next generation. That is what keeps mothers living each day with oomph in their step. Jamie Swim is a wonderful example of a Radiant woman and I look forward to watching more people get to know her art and Jamie herself!


To inquire about purchasing her work or about commissioning Jamie Swim you can check out her Facebook page: or even call her directly at (808)-673-0743


To you sweet ones, Have Grit,

Kiersten Homalon

She Empowers: Tis the Season….To Fight Back

She Empowers: Tis the Season….To Fight Back

Sex Trafficking is a subject that many find, well, distant. Not the word you thought I was going to choose huh? What I think strikes me the most about sex trafficking is that it is not something that effects only third world countries. It is not something that just effects a certain ethnicity, religion, societal status or even age. It effects everyone, its right under our noses and its time that awareness is made. I started learning more about human trafficking after being inspired by Lisa Bevere’s book Lioness Arising. Her first hand accounts of meeting these girls and the destructive cycles that happen within the Trafficking world opened my eyes to something completely new, something I had never even thought about, and something that I never realized I would become so passionately driven to effect change in.

Human Trafficking is on the rise. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry, falling just below drug trafficking. A lot of these victims stem from run aways, something that blew me away. As a mother, to not know where your child is unimaginable, but to know how devastating the statistics are for the young girls that do run away is, heart breaking. According to the National Runaway Safeline 80% of ALL runaway and homeless girls have reportedly experienced some sort of sexual or physical abuse, and one of every three children on the streets are lured into commercial sexual exploitation ( Department of Health and Human Services.) I believe it is so important to educate adults on this matter. People often see things such as social media, porn, strip clubs, violent or sexual movies and video games as harmless, when in reality it is adding fuel to the fire of Sex trafficking. These industries feed this mindset, and I would even say feed this sickness that merges sex and violence, and it must be stopped. On top of that, bringing awareness and education into high schools, and possibly even middle schools if done appropriately will allow young women to protect themselves and their friends from the realities of the risk that is out on the streets and on social media.

This social injustice is something that we all can play a part in to stop. There are many organizations that are working to fight against sex trafficking! There are probably multiple in the state you live in alone! I personally work diligently with Ho’olanapua to stop sex trafficking here on the Hawaiian Islands! Some of the women I work with alone have been victims of Sex Trafficking. Each organization is constantly in search for advocates, volunteers, donations and more people spreading the awareness about this atrocity! Please research the various options you have to become apart of this fight! Dressember is a large organization that is also dear to my heart and works hand in hand with the International Justice Mission. The holidays are a great time to remember the “Reason for the Season” and so to sacrifice our time and efforts for others sake is the most magical part of the Spirit of CHRISTmas. Below I have included a link to a website that has a list of International Organizations fighting against Sex trafficking. I also have a link for Ho’olanapua. We appreciate generous gifts of donations and of course spreading the knowledge and awareness! Mahalo Nui Loa, and together lets make a “Brighter Future for our Children” (Ho’olanapua).

“Our Lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Proverbs 31:8 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.”

Have Grit Sweet Ones,


She Inspires: Who’s Your Real MVP?

She Inspires: Who’s Your Real MVP?

For about a year now there’s been this saying going around: “You’re The Real MVP.” It’s extremely popular and people use it for even the silliest situations. For example, if someone goes and gets the group pizza, the group will say something like: “Thanks, you’re the real MVP.” However the saying originated from an amazing speech given by basketball player Kevin Durant, when he won the NBA’s Most Valuable Player Award for the 2013-2014 basketball season. In the speech, he talks about his mother and the sacrifices she made to make sure her sons were fed, clothed, off the streets and being set up for success. He ends it by telling her that she’s the real MVP and the crowd applauds him while his mother is moved to tears.

This speech led me to think about who’s my MVP? Who, without their help and guidance, would I be completely lost without? Who goes above and beyond for me that I often overlook or forget to express my gratitude towards? We all survive because of other people who help us. This could be helping us with our children, helping us with our spiritual lives, helping us during hard times, and helping us by being a helping hand whenever we need one. It’s so important to appreciate the people who are actively involved in your life and to let them know that they are your MVP. I believe your MVP can change from year to year. At times, it can be your parents and as you grow older it may change to a helpful spouse or a dedicated friend, either way let’s show these people that we value them.

This week I want you to identify your MVP. Who is your Most Valuable Player? After you identify them, come up with something you can do for them that shows your appreciation. Be creative, have fun, and GO BIG! Be generous with how you show your MVP your appreciation and love! Let them know you’re thankful for all their help this year and maybe even previous years and that you wouldn’t have made it without them!

With love and big smiles,


She Empowers: 20 Somethings For The 20 Something Soul

She Empowers: 20 Somethings For The 20 Something Soul

Dear 20 something soul,

Something #7


The sad truth about this life is that we never know when it’s going to end. Life is completely unpredictable and who is by your side today could be gone tomorrow. That’s why it’s absolutely vital that you learn to appreciate the people who are in your life and make your life better!! It could be your parents, your sibling’s, your friends, your grandparents, your husband, your fiancé, or maybe even your children! These are precious people in your life and even though it seems like we will all live forever we won’t. Take the time to show these people how thankful you are for them and how you appreciate their presence in your life. Write a thank you note, take someone out for a dinner that’s on you, pay for a spa day, or even simply spend time that is 100% dedicated to them and not you checking your social media accounts. People matter, take the time to let them know it.

Till next time,

20 something soul

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