Woman To Woman: Intentionally Optimistic for 2016

Woman To Woman: Intentionally Optimistic for 2016

After a full year of day to day hard ship, going into another year is easy to feel many emotions. However, the other morning I got up early while my baby girl was still sleeping to seek time with The Lord. In that time I was just praying and thanking God for the HUGE amount of GOOD He did in this last year in the midst of the hardship. In that moment, a domino effect happened. My eyes somehow were opened to the realization of all the break throughs last year had, the victories, the blessings…. Oh the Blessings! It made me recall a short quote I wrote when I was a Senior in College.

“Music… Vibrational reassurance that beauty is not always tangible, and that melody will still thrive in dissonance.”

God is the music in our lives, and He is Thriving!

I think a lot of us make it to the end of the year huffing and puffing, I know I did. And seeing another year coming strait at us seems like endless waves crashing overhead. But I encourage you sweet one. Stand yourself strait up, Hunt for the Good, and the Good will drive your life forward. Going into a new year, after coming out of a hard year, is a wonderful position to be in. Why? Because you are stronger! Because you overcame! Because you are on the hunt for Good! And Because you are choosing to propel your best into this next year!

CHOOSING to brush off the year that past and look head on into what is to come is invigorating and requires BIG Faith! But I know we all can do it! So, Cut your hair! Dye those locks and get that gym membership you’ve been putting off, but above all, focus on the Good! This is my challenge to you!

Have Grit Sweet ones,KH Signature

She Inspires: Starting The New Year Off With Grit

She Inspires: Starting The New Year Off With Grit

I love how it feels when the Holidays roll around. There is always that magic in the air. Even though Christmas can stir up some feelings of missing family and friends the magic and spirit seems to cover all of that with a blanket of thankfulness. I love that. People are kinder, and everyone is more generous.

Then the year comes to a close, and often people choose one of two avenues.

  1. Same old Same old path

For some nothing changes. They continue their habits and choices and routine without missing a beat! And that is ok for some!

  1. Pep in the Step

Many See the new year as something to Attack! They go full force into a completely different life style and uproot all they know to be better, stronger, healthier and more successful in the new year!

Both of these CAN be good. But in many cases people in the first group never feel that pump in their heart for the year that could be the first of many years that creates life long POSITIVE change!

And the Second group are the Cliche Burnouts. The people who crowd the gym for the first two months of the new year and then you see them less and less each year.

What if there were a few key thoughts that could guide your steps to creating POSITIVE change in your new late that would last and domino into the next year…… BUILD and domino even MORE POSITIVE change in to the next new year!

And so on!


I believe that these 5 focuses are a good start to that avalanche of goodness!

  1. Reflect on the Year

I am a firm believer that we cannot embark on anything new without reflecting on what had past. This is especially true when trying to tweak your habits, and lifestyle for the better!

Some things to take into account are:

-The good things in the year (Things you over came, habits you formed, weight you lost, friends you made, businesses you built and the relationship with The Man Upstairs you invested in)

-The not so good things: Things you let slip through the cracks (The goals you set for the year, bad habits that resurfaces, mistakes that were made, and decisions that were made, the lack of time spent with friends, family or most importantly The Father!)

  1. Set New Goals

Setting new Goals is a great way to create excitement and passion going into the new year! Having big dreams is only sweet when paired with goals that make baby steps to achieving those Big Mama Dreams!

  1. Set Deadlines

Setting dates and specifics next to each Goal is so key to keeping your eyes on the prize. This is also a good tool for those inevitable times when passion cools, and when we get a little off track! Knowing that that date is creeping up on you helps to get your head right back in the game!

  1. Find an Accountable Partner

No one likes to admit that they are off track or not making the best decisions when they know they can do better! So confide in your spouse or reliable friend your goals… and yes the deadlines! This will ensure that you keep the heat tuned up!

  1. Be involved in Your Home Church

This was a curve ball wasn’t it? All of your Goals, Dreams and Talents are blessings and callings from the Lord. So naturally we need to bring them back to The House of The Lord to put it into its biggest and most useful outlet. And honestly I envision it being exactly that: an Electrical Outlet! Plug into the House of the Lord and you have a non-stop flow of encouragement, accountability, prayer and of course The Holy Spirit to guide your way!

These 5 Steps are a great tool to start you 2016 with VIGOR! I think we all know that those hard times in each year come and go. However, if we have the back bone to our lives; which is non-other than Christ Our Lord, Eyes fixed on our Goals, and Our time plugged into The House of The Lord then it is guaranteed that you will gain ground in this next year! So Lets pray for those bad habitual tendencies to be broken, the passion to never die out, CLARITY in what you’re called to do on this Earth, and Generosity with your time and investment into the lives of others!

So What do you say? Are You going to have enduring VIGOR this New Year!?


Have Grit Sweet Ones,

Kiersten Homalon

You Should Know Her: Jamie Swim

You Should Know Her: Jamie Swim

There are artists in the world that are recognizable as soon as you see their work. This same is true for Jamie Swim’s graphically whimsical Hawaiian inspired art. Even more charming than her art, if you could even imagine something more charming, is Jamie herself. Genuinely sincere in her bashfulness at the recent explosion of her art to the mainland and all through out the North Shore. Jamie expressed to me “It doesn’t feel real, I feel so blessed I get to do what I love and get paid for it!” Sitting at the Coffee shop, both of us with little girls in tow we dove into her life experiences that molded her life and her art to happily embrace the spirit of Aloha that she loves so much.

Jamie was born and raised in Arizona, however, Hawaii always called to her. She always would paint foliage and scenery that she imagined Hawaii might be like. She would look at photos and do her best to manifest the beauty she knew called out to her! Then one day she decided to do it. She decided to drop everything and make the move to O’ahu. No job or even place to live, Jamie reminisced, “I just knew if i was gonna do it, I just would have to do it!”. And that she did! She moved to O’ahu stayed with friends and worked at the Sea Life Park as a photographer. “Talk about random” she giggled. Most importantly Jamie expressed to me how much her art begun to flourish once she was here. She became overwhelmed with the beauty of Hawaii and wanted to paint everything in her sight. That was when she begun to establish the style we all so readily recognize now. Her waves became better, because she was able to experience them, the lighting, and the flowers all were a reality for her now, and the love she dreamed of for Hawaii was even better once she was living in the land of Aloha!

            Now, Jamie’s work is featured in local businesses, sold in department stores on the mainland and continues to be many peoples choices for gifts and statement pieces for their home. Jamie admitted that she loves doing custom art and manifesting peoples vision with her art! She also is dipping her toes, quite successfully, in marketing posters for companies and special events. She has the ultimate dream to design the major surfing competition’s posters and advertisements! She honors her husband for giving her the gusto to put her art out there, because if it wasn’t for him, she would portably never have gotten the courage to share her beautiful gift that blesses so many!

jamei1 jamie2

Jamie is still living on the North Shore and painting in the midst of raising two beautiful girls and being an awesome wife. I treasure women who are convinced that they can be present mothers in their children’s lives as well as still dream big. That is what inspires the next generation. That is what keeps mothers living each day with oomph in their step. Jamie Swim is a wonderful example of a Radiant woman and I look forward to watching more people get to know her art and Jamie herself!


To inquire about purchasing her work or about commissioning Jamie Swim you can check out her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jamieswim/?fref=ts or even call her directly at (808)-673-0743


To you sweet ones, Have Grit,

Kiersten Homalon

Mommy Knows: The Mom Word

Mommy Knows: The Mom Word

It is far too often that I hear the term “Mom” thrown around. Especially in the world of the work force I will catch people, sometimes even myself throwing this pinnacle of a word around like its, well….. not much. Going into the new year my goal for my own life, and for the life of the mothers in my social sphere, I want to regard that word with respect. By intentionally offering this honor to my fellow mothers and of course my own mother. I pray that this ACTION will seep into my own maternal heart with each outward jester I make. Mothers are born to serve. And that is a calling that comes with a heaviness and an unfathomable reward. I am proud to be a mother…. and I am blessed to be amongst a community of Women who are also MOTHERS! What a privilege to be in a community to help blossom and grow one another! Who is a mother in your social sphere that you can build up and regard her title with RESPECT in an OUTWARD action? Watch the domino effect this will make!


A Mother’s Crown

A mothers eyes…. And the wrinkles beside them….

Revealing her choice and privilege

She is the one that stays back and focuses on bath times and reading baby books,

Stays back to clean and cook and discipline….

Often unseen…. Often not heard..

The wrinkles around her eyes….are the testament of her story

They are the stories of her denying herself repeatedly throughout each and everyday…

The wrinkles are reminders of her sacrifice which she does with pleasure for the family she would gladly die for…

Her wrinkles are the sweet reward for being the back bone, for being her husbands help mate, for choosing her family over herself….time and time again.

The wrinkles are her crown for the hard work of her hands and the throne for her humility….

From countless smiles… From laughter that came strait from her soul…. A type of joy only a mother would know.

The wrinkles that meet her every time she looks in the mirror….

They are her privilege to showcase…. Each line precious and dear…

Each crevice the evidence of serving her family…. Each line a reminder…. That Love is choosing all others before herself…. The reason she was created…

The wrinkles around mothers eyes…. Reveal the joy in her servants heart…. They are her reward….Above all they are her crown.

®Kiersten Homalon 2016

Philippians 4:4-8  “ Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”


Have Grit Sweet Ones,

Kiersten Homalon


She Empowers: Tis the Season….To Fight Back

She Empowers: Tis the Season….To Fight Back

Sex Trafficking is a subject that many find, well, distant. Not the word you thought I was going to choose huh? What I think strikes me the most about sex trafficking is that it is not something that effects only third world countries. It is not something that just effects a certain ethnicity, religion, societal status or even age. It effects everyone, its right under our noses and its time that awareness is made. I started learning more about human trafficking after being inspired by Lisa Bevere’s book Lioness Arising. Her first hand accounts of meeting these girls and the destructive cycles that happen within the Trafficking world opened my eyes to something completely new, something I had never even thought about, and something that I never realized I would become so passionately driven to effect change in.

Human Trafficking is on the rise. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry, falling just below drug trafficking. A lot of these victims stem from run aways, something that blew me away. As a mother, to not know where your child is unimaginable, but to know how devastating the statistics are for the young girls that do run away is, heart breaking. According to the National Runaway Safeline 80% of ALL runaway and homeless girls have reportedly experienced some sort of sexual or physical abuse, and one of every three children on the streets are lured into commercial sexual exploitation ( Department of Health and Human Services.) I believe it is so important to educate adults on this matter. People often see things such as social media, porn, strip clubs, violent or sexual movies and video games as harmless, when in reality it is adding fuel to the fire of Sex trafficking. These industries feed this mindset, and I would even say feed this sickness that merges sex and violence, and it must be stopped. On top of that, bringing awareness and education into high schools, and possibly even middle schools if done appropriately will allow young women to protect themselves and their friends from the realities of the risk that is out on the streets and on social media.

This social injustice is something that we all can play a part in to stop. There are many organizations that are working to fight against sex trafficking! There are probably multiple in the state you live in alone! I personally work diligently with Ho’olanapua to stop sex trafficking here on the Hawaiian Islands! Some of the women I work with alone have been victims of Sex Trafficking. Each organization is constantly in search for advocates, volunteers, donations and more people spreading the awareness about this atrocity! Please research the various options you have to become apart of this fight! Dressember is a large organization that is also dear to my heart and works hand in hand with the International Justice Mission. The holidays are a great time to remember the “Reason for the Season” and so to sacrifice our time and efforts for others sake is the most magical part of the Spirit of CHRISTmas. Below I have included a link to a website that has a list of International Organizations fighting against Sex trafficking. I also have a link for Ho’olanapua. We appreciate generous gifts of donations and of course spreading the knowledge and awareness! Mahalo Nui Loa, and together lets make a “Brighter Future for our Children” (Ho’olanapua).

“Our Lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Proverbs 31:8 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.”





Have Grit Sweet Ones,


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