Her Money: Spending Triggers

Her Money: Spending Triggers

Has your frivolous spending been getting the best of your finances? Have you been working hard to save but fall victim to the triggers of spending? Well ladies I have found some encouraging messages to help you. *Disclaimer: I am not the creator of the content provided. The following information can be found on www.myfabfinace.com. This piece was written By Jessica Baptist.*


“How to Conquer Your Spending Triggers Like a Champ”

Here are some examples of some triggers you may lie and tell yourself followed by advice to overcome the trigger:

•“I Deserve It” Advice: “Temporary purchases won’t give you a permanent solution or solve the underlying issue.”

•“Everyone else has one” aka “Keeping up with the Joneses. Advice: “Use the images you see on the internet as inspiration, not an indicator of what’s really going on.”

•“I’ve reached my goals; let’s celebrate!” Advice: “Wait a week after the win to celebrate, that way you can really celebrate what’s important: the next step in your life.”

•“It’s on sale!” Advice: “Don’t fall victim to marketing messages. You were getting along just fine and you can live without it!”

Most importantly, acknowledge the factors that trigger spending and how they appear in your life.


Spend wisely and stay strong ladies,


Her Beauty: Coconut Oil as a Substitution

Her Beauty: Coconut Oil as a Substitution

With the kickoff of summer comes the kickoff of the natural hair craze for some individuals. And if you are letting your hair free in its natural state during the summer heat, then you must have coconut oil or some type of natural oil on your bathroom counter. But did you know that coconut oil can serve more purpose besides moisturizing hair or cooking?

Organic coconut oil can be bought from almost anywhere with the prices ranging from $8 to $15.

In this article I will give you five ways to get the most use out of your jar of coconut oil and save some money in your pocket.

  1. Body oil

As a solid, you can use coconut oil as a replacement for your lotion.

  1. Lip balm

Once you scoop some coconut oil into a small container, you can apply coconut oil onto your lips the same way you would apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly.

  1. Eye cream

Instead of spending a bunch of money on expensive eye cream, you can substitute it for coconut oil.

  1. Makeup remover

Applying liquefied* coconut oil on cotton pads and allowing it to soak overnight in a container will make great makeup removal wipes.

  1. Shaving cream

You can use liquefied coconut oil as a substitution for shaving cream and not only will you get a close shave, but you will also have moisturized legs because of the oil.


*Generally when buying organic coconut oil it comes as a creamy solid that can turn into a liquid once heated to 76°F.

She Owns It: Conversations With An Entrepreneur Jena Holliday

She Owns It: Conversations With An Entrepreneur Jena Holliday

Today’s Entrepreneur: Jena Holliday from A Spoonful of Faith


  1. Tell us about your business and explain the purpose and vision for A Spoonful of Faith.
    Spoonful of Faith was founded in 2014 as outlet for me to express my creativity, passions and help others create theirs! I’ve always been a creative soul, with art in my blood from a young age. With a professional background in marketing, social media, and blogging – I mix them all together and help create brands with a unique flair, distinct look, and creative touch. I also do custom illustration and design work. Right now, its a one-woman team, and I love that I can be so intimately involved with each project. My goal is really to help small businesses and women create unique hand crafted businesses, artwork, and bring something that is wonderfully made especially for them. Christ is a huge part behind why this was started and a lot of advice is given on my blog based on His principles. It’s truly a lifestyle brand where you can hear truth, find positive artwork for your life, and get the push to create a small business that’s a true expression of who you are.


  1. What are your long-term goals for your business?Long term I would love to be doing more marketing and campaign art commission jobs and really turning it into a full service brand management firm. It’s hard when it’s one person because I get to wear all the hats! But I know that Jesus has got His hand on it all, so I have to keep my focus on today so that whatever comes tomorrow can be exactly what is needed at that time!


  1. As an entrepreneur, what are some of your favorite resources to use?Hmmm, I actually take advantage of some pretty cool subscription Facebook groups. There are great ones out there that are free as well – where you can connect with other entrepreneurs in your industry that will inspire you and offer tips and tricks in things that they have learned. I also take advantage of the notes/reminders on my cell phone – like big time! I also like to make to-do lists for the week so I can see overall what I want to focus on – as currently I do work a full-time job in social media while I do the freelance work on the side. So I keep busy! God is definitely the best resource I have, finding peace and balance in it all.


  1. What was the number one fear that you had to overcome regarding starting your own business and choosing to be an entrepreneur?
    Fears suck! But they are definitely something you can overcome. I think the biggest thing I had to overcome was that I was good enough and needed in the marketplace. I think sometimes when we see others that may be doing something we find cool in our industry – we can be intimidated and start the comparison party. But truly God has shown me that there is something about each of us that is unique and needs to be shared – so my biggest advice is to stay true to yourself and what creatively comes from your life and spirit. That creates the best content, ideas, and will give you the greatest return than trying to do what everyone else is doing. And you are good enough! Technically trained or not, you can be amazing and you really have to believe that!


  1. Your branding is impeccable, what’s your number one advice for branding?Wow, thank you seriously you don’t know what that means to me. I think it’s really important to understand what your brand or business is trying to say to your target audience. Once you figure out who you are talking to and what you are trying to say – the next best thing is to figure out how to effectively reach these people. Which is where a lot of people get hung up – especially today as there are so many social networks and communities of people. So market research is key – it will save you a lot of time in the end if you figure out exactly who you are talking to. Selling to a group of moms is very different than selling to a group of female entrepreneurs that could be moms – there’s different points that are important to each group, there’s different pain points, there’s overlapping values but they need to be said in a certain voice to be effective. Figuring that out can help your business tremendously.


  1. What’s your favorite tool for networking?I think social media and blogging have been the best tools for me to meet people! My favorite tool is social media because it’s easy to connect and drop a message. But I think conferences, local happy hours, and Facebook groups are great ways to connect with people who are interested in similar things. Also, don’t underestimate the importance of meeting in person – via Skype if you’re connection is long distance or meeting up for coffee if you’re local. I’ve met some amazing people by just getting out from behind the screen this year and have had some awesome business opportunities created from that.


  1. The best piece of advice that you want to share with entrepreneurs who are just starting out?Dive in. I’ve only been doing this thing for about a year and it’s insane the amount I have learned. Everything won’t always look pretty, but look past the situation and think big picture and it will help you through! When you feel like you are compromising your work and comparing yourself too much – disconnect for a few days! Also, you may work longer hours at first but it will pay off. Soak it all up, keep the faith, and stay motivated by your purpose. I guess that’s more than one piece of advice – but those are all things learned in my first year and have really helped me.


  1. As your business grows, is it important to stay flexible with the plan or true to the original plan and vision? 

    I think flexibility is important. Building a business is a bit like having a child. You can prepare yourself for the good and the bad; but you have to roll with the punches of what comes at each stage. You should have a vision but understand things may change and it doesn’t mean you are a failure. You never fail, you always walk away from a situation with a new outlook or understanding. That’s truly a win.


  1. What do you recommend for bloggers specifically? The blog world is hard to break into and you’ve done so almost effortlessly.Thanks! I have been blogging since 2008 – so I’ve learned so much!  I recently left my longtime blog and started a new one with Spoonful of Faith – that was eye opening and hard because it was definitely starting over for me. The biggest piece of advice that I could give bloggers is to create great content. What does that even mean nowadays – since there’s so much content and blogs out there? Do some research on who your audience is. (Again market research!) What are their interests? What are their pain points? How can your blog help them? Truly being honest – people are pretty self-serving. If I visit your blog I want something out of it. And if I feel like you are talking directly to me – I feel like I belong there and I keep coming back. But the way the blogger does that is by knowing who they are trying to reach or talk to – and talking in their ‘love’ language about things they are interested in. Which should be something you are passionate about blogging on in the first place! Also be consistent and share your content – you’ve gotta be your biggest advocate.


  1. Most entrepreneurs wear multiple hats, what’s your advice for time management while being your own boss?
    It’s important and can be hard. I’m a mommy, I work full time, I’m a wife, and I have a small business. I could tell you about ways I get through my work day – but honestly it comes down to priorities. Life is busy – but defining what is most important to you will help you prioritize your life. My family is important and providing excellent service to my clients is important. I can’t do everything but I can be open and honest with my clients about realistic timelines. I can take time to just focus on having quality time with my family. I can decide to have office hours and quit checking emails after a certain time. You have to do what works for your life and what matters to you. You put on the hat that is most important at that time, you handle what you can as it comes, you thank God for the days that you have help. Also, I think it’s important to be on the same page with your spouse and family. If you have support it really helps! And if you don’t have support from family – networking is key. There are some amazing communities, groups and people out there ready and willing to support your efforts. Find them!

For more of Jena, go visit www.aspoonfuloffaith.com

With love and big smiles,


She Inspires: She Inspires: Throw a Vision Board Party

She Inspires: She Inspires: Throw a Vision Board Party

When was the last time you and your closes friends set down and really talked about your guys’ personal dreams? Where are you going? How are you getting there? How do you picture your life 5 years from now? A month from now? These are important questions to ask not only ourselves but the women around us that we care about. We know what the women around us want but we never ask to see their full game plan. It takes a community for people to succeed. It takes knowing that someone is in your corner cheering you on and praying for you to succeed! Imagine having the accountability from your closes friends when it comes to keeping up with your goals for your deepest and biggest dreams? Talk about motivation and a continual push in the right direction! This is why I’m suggesting that we all get our closes friends together and throw a vision board party! Save a Friday or Saturday night to enjoy inside with your girlfriends crafting, relaxing and building boards that will motivate you to go after your wildest dreams! Here’s some ideas to make your vision board party one inspiring and powerful dream session!


  1. Use old magazines!

This is a great way to add colorful sayings and images and a way to upcycle old magazines!


  1. Have a “girl power” playlist made and ready to play during crafting.

From Beyoncé to The Spice Girls, there’s many options for energetic and fun girl power tunes that you can add to a playlist and play all night while you all are creating your vision boards. It’ll set a positive energy vibe for the whole night!


  1. Have each friend bring something different to contribute to the boards

This will save you money and time and also bring a variety to what is allowed to go on the vision board! Make sure everyone knows what others are bringing so you don’t get duplicates!


  1. Have a writing station!

Set out some pens and paper so that before your guest begin working on their boards they can brainstorm exactly what they want to put on it and how to get all their dreams on their board!


  1. After everyone has made their board, talk about them! Let each person share their goals and vision in depth.

Get the coffee brewing or the wine ready and sit back and let everyone share what their dreams are and explain their vision board to the rest of the group! This will create a positive atmosphere of encouraging friends and also suggestions for helping each other get to where they want to be!


With love and big smiles,


You Should Know Her: Kiersten Homalon The Essence Of A Superwoman

You Should Know Her: Kiersten Homalon The Essence Of A Superwoman

I imagine when God was creating Kiersten, He looked at her and said “I’m going to give this one an extra dose of strength, zeal and compassion.” I also imagine little tiny embryo Kiersten looking up at her Creator and asking “Why?” and then God just smiling at her and laughing and saying “Oh, you’ll see.”

Kiersten Homalon lives a life of truth, love, and a hunger to know God and share his love with the lost, the broken, and the invisible. The first and most important crown she wears is Daughter of the King-Jesus Christ. Her eagerness for the word of God and the heart of God is contagious. It’s the fuel behind all her passion and all her desires. God is at the center of her being and you see the character of God breaking out of every seam of her life. Secondly, she’s a mother and a wife and wears that crown with all beauty and humility by constantly learning from her husband and her baby girl and leaning on God for guidance on how to do both roles the way He intended for her. Between being a servant of God, a wife and a mother she also manages to be a loyal and dependable friend. The kind of friend who doesn’t just say “I’ll pray for you”, but actually stops her entire life to say a fervent prayer on your behalf. She has this amazing gift of hospitality that makes you feel at home with her the moment you are in her presence.

On top of all of that, Kiersten is an entrepreneur who owns and operates her own business called Essence from Eden Hawaii. Her company offers vegan, organic and wholesome products. From essential oils, to body wash, facial soap, natural teething remedies, lotion, shampoo, teas and so much more! If you live in Hawaii, she’s also a lactation specialist and qualified to do placenta encapsulation. Amazing, right? It doesn’t stop there! Even though her business is fairly new, she contributes 10% of all profits to Beauty for Ashes Uganda, a charity helping women, especially single mothers and widows, to reach long term sustainability for themselves and their families.

Kiersten is the true definition of a girl boss and a super woman! Starting with herself, her home life, and then pouring it out into the world for the world to receive more goodness. She’s shining her light and making the world a better place by living out her passions and following the desires God has placed in her heart. When I asked Kiersten what’s one piece of advice she would give all young and aspiring women her response was this:

“I would say, surrendering expectation. From everyone, even ourselves. That’s when the Holy Spirit can really move organically and POWERFULLY in our lives.”

May we all learn to surrender expectation a little more every day and may the life of Kiersten Homalon inspire you to go after whatever desire God as placed in your heart and to wear each crown you hold with all humility, bravery and passion.


Shop at her store by visiting www.essencefromedenhawaii.com


With love and big smiles,



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