There are artists in the world that are recognizable as soon as you see their work. This same is true for Jamie Swim’s graphically whimsical Hawaiian inspired art. Even more charming than her art, if you could even imagine something more charming, is Jamie herself. Genuinely sincere in her bashfulness at the recent explosion of her art to the mainland and all through out the North Shore. Jamie expressed to me “It doesn’t feel real, I feel so blessed I get to do what I love and get paid for it!” Sitting at the Coffee shop, both of us with little girls in tow we dove into her life experiences that molded her life and her art to happily embrace the spirit of Aloha that she loves so much.

Jamie was born and raised in Arizona, however, Hawaii always called to her. She always would paint foliage and scenery that she imagined Hawaii might be like. She would look at photos and do her best to manifest the beauty she knew called out to her! Then one day she decided to do it. She decided to drop everything and make the move to O’ahu. No job or even place to live, Jamie reminisced, “I just knew if i was gonna do it, I just would have to do it!”. And that she did! She moved to O’ahu stayed with friends and worked at the Sea Life Park as a photographer. “Talk about random” she giggled. Most importantly Jamie expressed to me how much her art begun to flourish once she was here. She became overwhelmed with the beauty of Hawaii and wanted to paint everything in her sight. That was when she begun to establish the style we all so readily recognize now. Her waves became better, because she was able to experience them, the lighting, and the flowers all were a reality for her now, and the love she dreamed of for Hawaii was even better once she was living in the land of Aloha!

            Now, Jamie’s work is featured in local businesses, sold in department stores on the mainland and continues to be many peoples choices for gifts and statement pieces for their home. Jamie admitted that she loves doing custom art and manifesting peoples vision with her art! She also is dipping her toes, quite successfully, in marketing posters for companies and special events. She has the ultimate dream to design the major surfing competition’s posters and advertisements! She honors her husband for giving her the gusto to put her art out there, because if it wasn’t for him, she would portably never have gotten the courage to share her beautiful gift that blesses so many!

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Jamie is still living on the North Shore and painting in the midst of raising two beautiful girls and being an awesome wife. I treasure women who are convinced that they can be present mothers in their children’s lives as well as still dream big. That is what inspires the next generation. That is what keeps mothers living each day with oomph in their step. Jamie Swim is a wonderful example of a Radiant woman and I look forward to watching more people get to know her art and Jamie herself!


To inquire about purchasing her work or about commissioning Jamie Swim you can check out her Facebook page: or even call her directly at (808)-673-0743


To you sweet ones, Have Grit,

Kiersten Homalon

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