She Connects: In Its Time

She Connects: In Its Time

God has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11    

Time. A four-letter word that means everything in life. Time is defined as, “an appointed, fixed, or customary moment or hour for something to happen, begin, or end.”(Merriam-Webster, 2015) In life, there is truly a time for everything, and I have come to learn that whether we are prepared or not, when that moment arrives there’s nothing that can stop what’s meant to happen at that moment. Time is truly a gift, when utilized properly it allows the opportunity to prepare for what’s to come. It is often the defining factor in whether endeavors succeed or fail. Especially, when we don’t allow ourselves to embrace the process that is vital to the maturation of our dreams, goals, purpose, and plans.

“God has made everything beautiful in its time.” There is an appointed time for all things to happen, begin, or end and when we allow God to prepare us for that time, we will see the results that we desire. We will see things happen in the way they were meant to unfold. How often have you have allowed yourself to move before it was time? What were your results and were they favorable to your desired outcome? Consider what would happen if you were to move your car into traffic before you had the right-of-way, before the light changed, and gave you the signal that it was time to safely proceed. In the same way that you wouldn’t move your car into the danger of bustling traffic, you should exercise the same caution when pursuing various endeavors in life. Timing is everything!

Fear. A different four-letter word that can have profound effects on the very trajectory of your life. It can derail your plans and hold you back from your goals, dreams, visions, and greatest aspirations…if you allow it. I know, because for many years, honestly for as long as I can remember, I allowed some element of fear to control me. I realized that it was the element of the unknown and my desire to control outlying factors that grounded me. That weight held me down and kept me from fully pursuing ALL that God had for me. Then one day, I read a quote by T.D. Jakes that I’ve since started to see everywhere in some variation or another. “Feel the fear and do it anyway!” That day, life changed forever. I realized the time had come for me to face my fears and do what was necessary to fulfill my purpose; in spite of the fear I felt.

When you allow yourself to feel the emotions necessary to fuel your dreams and plans you can truly be unstoppable. In the same respect, when you allow an emotion as daunting as fear to hinder you, you can disfigure your life in ways that some never recover from. Time is fleeting, and with every passing minute you have the opportunity and responsibility to defeat fear. Take it! Every single chance you get.

Believe in the unknown. Not because you fear it, but because you EMBRACE it! Believe there are many good things specifically set aside for you-even if you can’t physically see them yet. Everything won’t always be a fight or a struggle, but know that you are prepared to deal with either. Have some confidence, good things can and will happen for you; furthermore, understand that these things will come to you in the time they are meant to, and not a moment before. These things are for your advancement and your purpose to show you that there’s beauty beyond pain, beyond failure, and beyond mistakes! The lessons that you are yet learning are for your good. It’s never about what you’ve “lost” and ALWAYS what you GAIN, because what’s meant for you will ALWAYS find a way! Never stop picking up jewels along your journey. Wisdom and discernment are granted to those in a position to handle them. Rather you believe it or not, you had to experience it to truly learn from it! So, believe in the lessons, believe in yourself, but most importantly believe GOD! With your whole heart, trust that you are ready for a time such as this.

You ARE ready for this!…It’s time.

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