Despite popular belief, protein is not just meat. When you see the word “protein’ the first thing most people think about is meat, eggs, or nuts. While it is true that meat, eggs, and nuts are a part of the protein list, where else can you get your protein from? While the list is extensive, for the sake of this article, I will advertise a few.

Green Peas:

These treats are low in fat but high in everything else. It has lots of protein, fiber, and micronutrients.



Kale is a vegetable that has become very popular as of late, yet it has always had beautiful benefits: it is high in iron and vitamin K.



An ounce of broiled steak or one-half cup of beans? Hmm…decisions. Not only is a better, smaller option, but it is full of fiber.


Peanut Butter:

You can eat good fat that is loaded with nutrients, and it can help you lose weight. It’s a dieter’s best friend.


White-Meat Poultry:

White-meat is an excellent choice for getting lean protein because once you remove the skin, which is nothing but a lot of saturated fat, it is better than other meat choices, such as dark-meat.



Besides the fact that almost everyone loves a bit of fish from time to time, seafood is generally heart-healthy and low in fat.


Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt:

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, are not just good sources of protein, but it also contains sources of calcium and vitamin D.


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