“I stopped feeling like I didn’t belong anywhere, and realized that I actually belonged anywhere I wanted to be.”

—Sophia Amoruso

I’m an avid reader, but very rarely does a book make me stay up all night reading it until I’ve finished it. #GIRLBOSS definitely was one of those books that kept me up in the late hours of the night until I finished it from front cover to back cover. Sophia Amoruso is not your average CEO, therefore you immediately feel welcomed and comfortable around her. I say her, because #GIRLBOSS literally felt like you were sitting down and having coffee with a friend who had valuable information to share with you. Sophia didn’t come from a wealthy family, didn’t get a fancy college degree and wouldn’t have been anyone’s first choice for a CEO, but with a spirit of excellence, hard work, and trusting and believing herself and her own path, she managed to become the CEO of one of the world’s fastest growing companies, Nasty Gal, a $100 million plus online fashion retailer with more than 350 employees.

Her book is filled with advice on how to work hard even when no one is looking, how to handle your money, and how being an outsider is okay, and possibly your best weapon. She gives us lessons based on her life story, from digging in dumpsters for food, being a hitchhiker, stealing from stores and how all her valleys have helped her not only get to her mountain tops but also taught her how to handle her mountain tops with humility, grace and confidence. If you’ve ever felt like you weren’t good enough, didn’t fit into the world, and an outsider then Sophia’s book is for you. It will encourage you that even YOU can have what you want if you are willing to believe in yourself and put in the sweating hours to achieve it. Her brand is not successful and excellent by chance, it’s that way because she put in the work to have it become that way. She teaches us to take chances, work at the beginning stages of your business as if it’s already a successful empire and to always stay true to yourself and your brand. If you are an entrepreneur, a business girl, an innovator or just a girl who wants to know how to be more confident in life and the work place, pick up this book! It will motivate you in every area of your life and inspire you to become a #GIRLBOSS with every move you make in life!


You create the world, blink by blink. It is entirely yours to discover and yours to create.”

–Sophia Amoruso


With love and big smiles,


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