We’ve all been there. Going home for the holidays and hearing family members and old friends ask if you have a special someone in your life. Truth is you are either still recuperating from that last situation or you are waiting for that special someone to get it together. Either way, the last thing you want to talk about at the dinner table is your struggling dating life. Well, I am here to tell you that you are not alone and that there is nothing wrong with being single

As I’ve gotten older and matured a little, I’ve always felt this pressure to always be in a relationship and if I wasn’t then there was something wrong with me. Between the media, my friends, and my family, it’s been hard to accept this newfound singlehood. However, the fact still remains that sometimes you have to be alone to get yourself together. I’ve heard countless sayings like “You can’t love someone until you love yourself first,” and “Worry about yourself and the rest will come,” or “God is preparing your special someone” or my favorite “How can you expect to have someone in your life, when you don’t even know what you want?”

Well, sometimes the wait is daunting and I may not always be the most patient.

However, I can honestly say, I have never seen myself in this light. I am actually taking the time to get know myself, and I must say that I am pretty amazing. This has been a long time coming, but I trust me when I say that it couldn’t have happened at a better time. So now that I have been on both sides of the spectrum from being madly in love with someone to completely alone, I can say that singlehood isn’t has bad as the movies make it seem. I am achieving my goals and dreams like never before. Now that’s not to say I couldn’t have done this with a significant other, but the truth is it took me to be alone, to get up and go after all the things that I wanted.

So, embrace that singlehood, love yourself, chase those dreams, and once you have done all that God wants you to do at that time He will drop that special someone in your life, I promise.


Taylor G.

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