Who are you? Before answering this simply yet profound question, remember that who you are is never associated with an occupation, a person, or a thing. Who you are begins with the core essence of you that’s unseen to the natural eye. It’s your deepest desires and can be found in your darkest fears.

So—taking some time to think about it… who are you?

Truly learning the core of you takes time, patience, grace, and honesty. Here are some things that helped me along my journey of learning who I am at my core:

I read a lot of self-improvement books

Reading is fundamental. Most books are amazing but few can truly become life-changing. One book that helped me grow was “What to Do until Love Finds You” by Michelle Hammond McKinney. The first time I read this book was years ago but I still remember the moment of breakthrough: I was ending a horrible relationship and was slowly losing myself in a state of depression. One chapter of the book broke me down (literally). I cried for hours in my quiet house; the phone was on silent, the TV was off and the sound of my whimpers echoed. It was my moment of breakthrough with God. I couldn’t have experienced that moment without that book. Reading wasn’t only fundamental for my brain; reading became fundamental to my growth.


The older I become, the more my gift of influence and relationships become more apparent and clear. When facing difficult situations with people—I always self-reflect, asking myself HOW and WHY I responded the way I did. I also pay attention to how my thoughts react. That matters more than most realize.

I give grace… to MYSELF

In the process of learning myself, I learned things that I didn’t like. I wanted to change them but here’s the thing: if we could change ourselves on our own, we would have done it by now. We need God to help us change and grace is required through the process. If giving grace to yourself doesn’t come easy, remember the One that gives grace to you daily. If He can do it, we should certainly try our hardest to do the same too.

So, I let me ask again….

Who are you?

Seek. Discover. Evolve and love.



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