I am not sure what it is about a new year that makes people want to change their life around, but like many people it happens to me every year. And by February 1st I have already given up on everything I said I would change. However, this year I decided to approach my New Year’s resolution a little differently. So before 2016 started, I decided to pull out my journal, grab a poster board and my computer, and began reflecting on all that 2015 has taught me. Then I thought about how I am going to use the lessons learned to make 2016 a better year.

Now this time my “new year’s resolutions” are a little different. Instead of making resolutions that were extremely unrealistic, I tried to write down statements that would help change over time. Then instead of just making a list that I would forget in a week, I decided to make a vision board, so I am reminded of my goals everyday I start morning. I have always been a fan of vision boards, but this was the first time that I made my own and it was quite rewarding. Everyday I am reminded of what I need to accomplish and how my life will look once I do.


Here are my goals for 2016:

  1. Put myself outside of my comfort zone as often as possible.
  2. Less fast food, more home-cooked and balanced meals
  3. More quality time with God
  4. More me time: Reading, exercising, writing
  5. Try new things and visit new places.
  6. Save, save, save
  7. Don’t allow toxic people or things in my life



So, for anyone that is sort of stuck in the New Year rut, I seriously recommend reflecting on 2015 and making a vision board for what you want to accomplish in 2016. You got this, even after the month of January!


Taylor G.

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