Mind Over Matter

Have you heard the saying, “mind over matter“? I used to wonder what d this phrase even meant. I’ve learned the mind is where everything starts and ends! As soon as an event happens, you start the process of responding in your mind. You assess the circumstances and then decide what to do from there. This can happen in a second, or over an extended amount of time, but despite how long it takes, you are left with your thoughts to make an appropriate decision on what to do next.

On a daily basis, we all experience a variety of different situations; some pleasant, others not so much! During the unfavorable times, I try to remember that if there is no benefit from what I’m considering doing or saying, then a negative response is just unnecessary and unhelpful. I remind myself that negative energy doesn’t travel far. Most times, you’re left with negativity lingering in your mind long after the situation is over. I’ve come to realize placing yourself in that mental space is NEVER worth it and creates a vicious cycle of unhappiness and negative energy!

So, what happens if you find yourself in a situation that requires your attention, but the other parties involved are being confrontational and negative? You could respond in the same manner, perpetuating the cycle of negative energy, or you can rise above the situation and decide that you won’t engage in a way that will disrupt your peace of mind. Make the decision to remain positive while addressing the issue if necessary. Your mind is so very powerful, life can be very pleasant when you use it to remain positive and preserve your peace! Remember mind over matter.

You aren’t always in a position to control what happens to you, but you are in control of what goes on in your mind! Don’t help anyone or anything hurt you! You help people hurt you by contributing to or engaging in negativity that WILL eventually affect you. YOU are comprised of energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, just transferred from one form to another. Be mindful of this when receiving and sending energy out into the Universe. While interacting with others, remember that if it hurts them, eventually it will hurt you. Regardless of the form or where it comes from, what you send out ALWAYS comes back to you!

All of this can be managed, controlled, and even avoided altogether when you use your mind to assess situations, consider your values, and use your heart to guide you to do what feels right before you engage in anything! If it doesn’t feel right to you, then it isn’t right for you to do! Consider ALL factors of what makes you who you are- your mind, body, and spirit should all agree. When you live from a place that fosters harmony and authenticity, you can feel good as a happy, healthy, and whole woman that lives your truth without negativity! It all starts with a thought and what you believe. Remember: Mind over matter, because this journey is all a mind thing!



Khojdeshia Denise


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