I LOVE being a mom. Its something I always knew I would do. I grew up baby sitting all the neighborhood kids and lasted all the way into college! I was the “Go To Babysitter”. I assisted my mother in her In Home Day Care and I worked in various Day Cares separate from hers. I love children! I always thought I would be a teacher one day because of this passion!

I ended up never becoming a teacher because God had other Plans for me, and I am thankful that His hand on my life has led me down the path it has. I am a young mother married to a man I prayed for, for many years, and God answered my prayers ten fold. We are just starting out but thankfully God has blessed me with a business I can run from my home and help women transition from birth into motherhood with community and support! I love what I do and I love that I can be home with my two year old while I am at it! My daughter comes with me on all of my outings. She’s amazing and helpful during prenatal visits and client meet ups, then I am blessed that my husband watches her when I met clients postpartum to honor their sacred space.

My daughter is amazing. Patient, kind, and scary smart!! But with all of that said, she is also 2…. and that presents MANY challenges.

Now that she is getting closer to the age of 3 we are embarking on much more mental break downs, tantrums, and….. ATTITUDE!!!!

I was not prepared for this! ATTITUDE!? I always was on the other end of the “TUDE” but now I am getting a small glimpse of the maternal side.

I know just about every mother goes through this. And there are about a million “How To” books and Blogs and such on how to cure them and treat them, and thats great. But For me they stress me out… and confuse how I feel my daughter should be parented. Or they might intimidate me! But the point is…. Sometimes, my frustration with my daughter gets the best of me, and I sacrifice my influence as her mother for selfish reactions that are always based out of the wrong place.

I have experienced a number of times where, I “snap” and then as soon as it starts, its over, and then my conscience weighs on me, along with the shock in my daughter’s face. This has taken many forms, but they are all ugly, and solve nothing.

Finally, one day it happened again. I lost it…. and It sent my heart crawling back to The Lord for guidance. I am thankful for His forgiveness, and his mercy because clearly I need it. Then it hit me. How God parents me, is exactly how I should be parenting my daughter, with Grace and Mercy. And then a Daniel Tiger Episode popped into my head. “When you’re feeling mad and you wanna ROAR… Just take a deep breath… and count to four…. 1…2…3…4!” Yes there are lessons in cartoons for adults as well it seems!

At that moment I realized that I was in a position to teach and simultaneously learn and hone in the skill of patiently parenting. Firm and strait forward, but full of Grace and Mercy. So now when my daughter loses her cool in the parking lot and everyone is starring at me and her…. I’ll run the Daniel Tiger song through in my head, and then say “Ok God…. guide my discipline here, help me to parent her firmly in the way she needs me to Father.”

At that moment I am WAY more effective as a mother than I was before and instead of two people in shambles, there is one guiding the way for the other, and showing my daughter what is appropriate by treating her appropriately.

I am in NO WAY a parenting expert, but this switch flipping in my head has already really changed the atmosphere in our home, even my husband noticed it! (It could be also that I get gym time ALONE now… Thank you Jesus!) But I know that this change too is contributing to a better vibe to our home. I heard it said before that women are to be the Thermostat in the home….. NOT the Thermometer. And I really keep that vision in the for front of my mind as well….

So when you’re about to lose it…. Flash forward a few years and see how your influence now in guiding your children in their emotions will benefit them… For me it really tugged on my heart strings…. and got my mind turning. Use your unique set of Mommy Sense that I believe God gives the each of us…. and keep your cool momma!



Have Grit Sweet Ones,

KH Signature

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in Truth.” 3 John 1:4

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