I love how it feels when the Holidays roll around. There is always that magic in the air. Even though Christmas can stir up some feelings of missing family and friends the magic and spirit seems to cover all of that with a blanket of thankfulness. I love that. People are kinder, and everyone is more generous.

Then the year comes to a close, and often people choose one of two avenues.

  1. Same old Same old path

For some nothing changes. They continue their habits and choices and routine without missing a beat! And that is ok for some!

  1. Pep in the Step

Many See the new year as something to Attack! They go full force into a completely different life style and uproot all they know to be better, stronger, healthier and more successful in the new year!

Both of these CAN be good. But in many cases people in the first group never feel that pump in their heart for the year that could be the first of many years that creates life long POSITIVE change!

And the Second group are the Cliche Burnouts. The people who crowd the gym for the first two months of the new year and then you see them less and less each year.

What if there were a few key thoughts that could guide your steps to creating POSITIVE change in your new late that would last and domino into the next year…… BUILD and domino even MORE POSITIVE change in to the next new year!

And so on!


I believe that these 5 focuses are a good start to that avalanche of goodness!

  1. Reflect on the Year

I am a firm believer that we cannot embark on anything new without reflecting on what had past. This is especially true when trying to tweak your habits, and lifestyle for the better!

Some things to take into account are:

-The good things in the year (Things you over came, habits you formed, weight you lost, friends you made, businesses you built and the relationship with The Man Upstairs you invested in)

-The not so good things: Things you let slip through the cracks (The goals you set for the year, bad habits that resurfaces, mistakes that were made, and decisions that were made, the lack of time spent with friends, family or most importantly The Father!)

  1. Set New Goals

Setting new Goals is a great way to create excitement and passion going into the new year! Having big dreams is only sweet when paired with goals that make baby steps to achieving those Big Mama Dreams!

  1. Set Deadlines

Setting dates and specifics next to each Goal is so key to keeping your eyes on the prize. This is also a good tool for those inevitable times when passion cools, and when we get a little off track! Knowing that that date is creeping up on you helps to get your head right back in the game!

  1. Find an Accountable Partner

No one likes to admit that they are off track or not making the best decisions when they know they can do better! So confide in your spouse or reliable friend your goals… and yes the deadlines! This will ensure that you keep the heat tuned up!

  1. Be involved in Your Home Church

This was a curve ball wasn’t it? All of your Goals, Dreams and Talents are blessings and callings from the Lord. So naturally we need to bring them back to The House of The Lord to put it into its biggest and most useful outlet. And honestly I envision it being exactly that: an Electrical Outlet! Plug into the House of the Lord and you have a non-stop flow of encouragement, accountability, prayer and of course The Holy Spirit to guide your way!

These 5 Steps are a great tool to start you 2016 with VIGOR! I think we all know that those hard times in each year come and go. However, if we have the back bone to our lives; which is non-other than Christ Our Lord, Eyes fixed on our Goals, and Our time plugged into The House of The Lord then it is guaranteed that you will gain ground in this next year! So Lets pray for those bad habitual tendencies to be broken, the passion to never die out, CLARITY in what you’re called to do on this Earth, and Generosity with your time and investment into the lives of others!

So What do you say? Are You going to have enduring VIGOR this New Year!?


Have Grit Sweet Ones,

Kiersten Homalon

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