The I am choosing to… card was birthed to help showcase the beauty in owning your own words as a woman.  So often we give the power away to things, people and circumstances that we forget it starts with us.

What are you choosing to do in your life today? What are you accepting you no longer want to accept?  What do you want to see manifest that you are no longer willing to hold back?  How are you owning your words so that your voice is clear? You do know you have a choice right… #strongwomenchoose . Today choose to acknowledge your greatness, trust me it’s already present right where you are at this moment, no matter the circumstance. Sign up for the waitlist today and get 5 free cards or purchase additional card in our shop. Tag us in your pictures on instagram and let us know your ” I Am Choosing To… –?Coupe

The words of other constantly show up in our lives, but we have the power to put them in perspective and discount them all together.  That power begins with understanding who we are and what we are willing to accept in our lives.

The initiative is geared towards women everywhere and their desire to be their best life. The I am choosing to… cards have been shipped to women both internationally and domestically. Do you have your cards yet?

The world has enough people dreaming, it requires people executing their vision, purpose and passion.  Only then can the beauty that is life be lived versus existing in the mist of the noise of others ideals.

Order your I am choosing to… cards today and start making your words a priority!

Click Here To Order

Join the I am choosing to initiative, there is something powerful about sharing your statement.


What we need from you:

•A Hi Resolution (300 DPI or greater) photo showcasing your authentic personality

•Your boldest I am choosing to statement

• Your City & State

•Your business info (name, services offered, contact email and phone number)*

•150 word abbreviated bio

•Answer the following question: Are you genuinely interested in connecting with positive like minded women?

Send all items to iact@knowyourstrong.org, allow 4-7 days for a response.

*If you do not own a business but are interested in connecting with like minded women you may still be considered.


Follow Us Instagram @iamchoosingto

Complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Request Your 5 Free Cards!

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