She Inspires: We CAN Have It All… With A Lot Of Balance.

She Inspires: We CAN Have It All… With A Lot Of Balance.

It’s 2015 and women are anything but one dimensional. We have stay-at-home moms that homeschool and stay-at-home moms who don’t. We have moms running multi-million dollar companies and moms going back to school to get the degree they’ve always wanted. We have women who are getting their masters and running a startup and women who breaking norms in film and television and the arts as a whole. We have women who make money off of YouTube. Women are so amazing to me. What we do, how much we do, how we do what we do and our ability to just do it, truly astonishes me. We live in the age of #GIRLBOSSES and its inspiring and overwhelming all at once. I’m personally, a mother of two, a writer and editor for STRONG and I run my own blog. I’m constantly taking off a hat and swapping it in for the next one. In a world that seems like we can have it all, can we actually really have it all?

My answer is yes, however, it’s not an easy yes.

You see, I wouldn’t want to be a woman in any other time period in history other than right now. At the same time, sometimes I wonder how easy it must of have been when women didn’t have the options to work, go to school or build companies. They didn’t have to balance it all, but they are the reason I take balancing it all so seriously. I think of all the women who had dreams like mine, visions like mine, and goals like mine yet weren’t able to perform those goals or see their visions come to pass because the times didn’t allow them to. That’s why we must fight hard and stubbornly, to have it all. We must give every aspect of our lives attention and nurture our business, children, husbands, and whatever else we have going on exactly with care. We must give everything in our lives time and when it is time to turn off business mode and enter into mommy mode we must do it, unapologetically.

Yes, YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL, but it’s not an easy yes. It’s a yes that we have to fight for. A yes that requires attention and nurture. Balance. I believe in you! Don’t stop working on your dream, don’t stop being the best mother you can be, don’t stop making date nights with your husband, and don’t stop kicking butt in school or at work! Do it all with spunk, humility, happiness and boldness. Continue to fight for it all and have it all for the women who came before us and the girls who are looking to us. We can do it.

With love and smiles,



She Empowers: 20 Somethings for the 20 Something Soul

She Empowers: 20 Somethings for the 20 Something Soul

Dear 20 something soul,

Something #6


Time is too short. Life is unpredictable. The time you have with your friends now may not be there forever. People move, get married, get promotions and time vanishes. While you have the time be there for your friends. Boys come and go. Unless He has put a ring on it, don’t ever pass up a moment to be with your girlfriends for him. He can wait. Your friends matter. How you treat them matter. If you want to be close in your thirties then care about them, make time for them, and be there for them in your twenties.

Till next time,

20 something soul

She Connects: Connecting with God as a Busy Mama

She Connects: Connecting with God as a Busy Mama

I’m going to be transparent and admit that I don’t always put time with God at the top of my to-do list. I usually wake up to hungry children who want food and want it immediately. I routinely hit the ground running, preparing breakfast, serving breakfast, getting my coffee, making the beds, getting the kids dressed, and the list goes on and on and on. I often don’t stop until after I lay down which is at 10:30 or 11:00 at night. Throughout the day, I may whisper a “thank you Jesus” but these days I hardly ever, besides on Sunday, get to feed my spirit and saturate it with God and His promises.

This is half my fault and half just the rhythm of the season I’m in right now. But in every season, we need to make time for God. The Bible tells us to be instant in and out of season and to always be prepared and ready with the word of God as our weapon. How can we as mama’s be prepared if we aren’t constantly living off of fresh bread every day and not old bread from last season? So what’s the solution? There has to be some way for a busy mama like myself and you ladies, to capitalize on the small moments that we can have with God.

Our culture has made it hard to rest and hard to be still. However both things are talked about in the Bible as important things to do. As a multitasking mother and entrepreneur it feels impossible to stop and pause and be still in His presence. It’s absolutely vital that every day we are surrounding ourselves with His words, promises, and presence. We can’t let our busy schedules or to-do list come between spiritual disciplines such as worship and prayer. I’ve made a list of at least 3 times throughout the day that we can commit ourselves to so that we can fill up at least 3 times a day! These thing require very little from you (except the last one) yet have the power to transform your day.


  1. Play worship music throughout the day, start first thing in the morning. Allow it to play in the background while you go about doing your daily tasks.
  2. Listen to a sermon via Podcast or YouTube video during naptime. You can play this in the background while you clean up, answer emails, or you can just listen to it and take notes. Depending on what your time lets you do, do it. This will be getting The Word into you for the day!
  3. Write in your prayer journal, nightly, as soon as the kids lay down for the evening. This will give you a moment to reflect over the day, cultivate thankfulness, ask God for help in areas you’re struggling in and surrender the things that you need to lay down at His feet.

With love and big smiles,


She Empower: Fuel Your Words

She Empower: Fuel Your Words

Every day, we have great power through the use of our words. We can speak life to our circumstances or we can speak what we see and feel into the atmosphere. Our words can brighten our day or remind us of the gloom or difficulty in our lives.

Although much easier said than done, here are some tips that can help you fuel your words to the direction you desire.

  1. Read your Bible

The Word of God is full of amazing words or wisdom when it comes to the power of words, our thoughts, and our feelings. If you’re struggling in this area, I encourage you to read with the clear intention and direction. Make it a point to find all of the scriptures involving our words and study those scriptures. If initial studying is slightly difficult with you, check out our articles called Using SOAP with God.

  1. Review Yearly Goals

Writing goals help us to stay focused on the things that matter when our feelings of motivation as left us. Reading and reviewing our goals help us to keep in mind the bigger picture when the journey becomes tougher than we expected. When we remind ourselves of our WHY, we encourage ourselves through the HOW.

  1. Listen to motivational videos and podcasts

Though technology, we can chose to be reactive to the information we receive or be intentionally proactive with the type of content we let into our lives. Through Facebook, our timelines are full of things and people we CHOOSE to follow and connect ourselves with. Want more positivity? Simply add more positive things and people to your friends list and pages, while hiding the negativity. Simply click the hide button over status updates or go to the person’s page and click unfollow updates. This leaves the friendship or connection intact without the interference of your desired timeline environment. YouTube “Motivational videos” and the “Power of Your Word,” and prepare to fill up with great content.

We all get off course with our words, and that’s okay! It’s up to recognize when we get off course and be intentional about getting back on track. Use your words to fuel your success, love life, and future. Your words contain power so be very intentional about the power you’ve been given.



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