Mommy Knows: Fact or Fiction: Swimming Pools Edition

Mommy Knows: Fact or Fiction: Swimming Pools Edition

It’s summer time! And what better way to cool down other than spending the day at your local swimming pool? But are you aware of the problems that may arise from swimming a pool?

  • If a pool looks like it’s clean, then it’s obviously clean.

Fiction! In most cases, you would be correct. But there have been instances where dangerous microorganisms have been present in a seemingly clean pool. If the pool reeks of chemicals or you see something fishy, don’t take the chance.

  • I can get sick from swimming in a pool.

Fact! According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 1,326 reported to be affected by recreational water-associated outbreaks during 2009-2010. Swallowing, breathing, or having any form of physical contact with contaminated water can spread a variety of illnesses.

  • If I can smell a strong, chemical-like odor coming from the pool, then the pool is super clean.

Fiction! If you can smell the chemicals coming from the pool, it’s not because the pool was recently disinfected. The smell is a product of a mixture of chlorine and other containments that form from unhealthy chloramines growing in the water. In short, a well-maintained pool has little-to-no odor.

  • It takes time for chlorine to kill all of the germs that may reside in a pool.

Fact! Even though most germs are killed within minutes, germs, such as Cryptosporidium, can live in a pool days after the pool is treated.


All in all, if it smells bad or looks bad, then 9/10 it’s probably bad. Keep safe as you have a fun summer.

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